Michael Whatley, the Trump-Endorsed Candidate for RNC Chair, Previously Told Voters to Disregard Trump's Endorsement of Rep. Ted...
On Monday, President Donald Trump officially announced his endorsement of Michael Whatley, the current Chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party, to succeed Ronna McDaniel as the chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC).
It seems you have all the answers therefore I'll venture another question I need answering which has been keeping me from getting fully on board the Trump train. No one else has been able to answer. Why did he say numerous times, "Take the vaccine." I'm not talking about developing vaccine and therefore exposing deepstate. Just his fully enthusiastic telling people to get jabbed. And I know that most didn't, but many did.
His message wasn't "just take the vaccine," it was that it was "safe" and that he took it but that EVERYONE should have personal choice. If his message was only "TaKE tEh VaXx!" they ds and msm would still be running with that today...yet they dont...
This has been discussed ad nauseum here. If Trump had been 100% against the vax it would have given the ds and msm all the ammo they needed to shut him out of normie minds for good at that time. Voter turn out and participation would not have been high enough to expose the steal as much as it did. This is key.
BTW, I fully expect for Trump to have to stand before a tribunal himself after all of this to answer for warpspeed. I hope the evidence is brought forth to show casualties we're kept to a minimum and more lives were saved than would have been lost other ways. I will volunteer to hang him myself if he can't show this.
What part of global 5th gen psychology warfare do you not understand? No leader can win a global war without sacrificing human life. The goal is to save many more.
Keep going, maybe we can get a few more wake the normies messages in one thread....🙄
You act like questioning Orange Jesus is sacrilege and therefore one must be a deepstate shill getting paid by the post. If one can't ask questions then it's a cult. Genuine interest or needing answers on my part. Here he is definitely a jab cheerleader.
Really? After I mention some of my criticism of him? Do read bro?
He not only said it was safe, he took it but also you should too. He went the extra mile. Like he went to his rallies and told people Take it. Different than you stated. Of course he knew we had a choice and shouldn't try and force us. Anyways. I'll leave it at that. A peaceful day to you belligerent friend.