posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +46 / -0

Transgenderism Is Caused By Vaccines... Gender Dysphoria Is An AutoImmune Disorder (Part 1)


in 2014, i became interested in the vaccine debate, and after many hours and days and weeks and years of vaccine debate, i finally realized that it is pointless to argue about "IF" vaccines cause autism, because the answer is a very binary "YES or NO" proposition, and you probably fall on one side of the debate or the other, without really knowing WHY you are on that side of the debate...

so i started to focus my time and energy trying to understand HOW and WHY vaccines cause problems,

instead of debating "IF" vaccines cause problems.

i realized that i would need to make more specific claims, in order to force the other side to make more specific rebuttals.

so, for example, if i say "vaccines cause transgenderism",

that will force the pro-vaccine side to "debunk" the claim, with an article that is headlined like

"why vaccines do not cause trans genders"

they will, of course, put forth their most compelling arguments, which is nice for us, because it reveals their current thinking, and allows us to find more flaws and holes in their narratives.

Vaccine Adverse Reaction Models:

these are simple models that build on each other

Adjuvant Model:

Fever model:

Dravet Syndrome Model

Egg Allergy Model:

CHO-PCOS Hormones Gender Model:

Human Embryo Cells - Autoimmune Disorders Model:

i can flesh these models out in the comments below, or in a new post,

but for now i just wanted to write them down again before they get lost.

i had all these models fleshed out on my X account,

and then i got permanently suspended for calling someone a cunt

anyway, it seems that these vaccine models have found their way into other spheres, that i was previously unaware of, until the last few hours, when i found them with a google search...

and so it would be very good for us to look back, and understand how we got to where we are today,

upon my first look thru, it appears that this is a classic fake news narrative set-up, which is:

  1. Crackpot (Jewish) rabbi thinks the COVID-19 vaccine can turn people gay

  2. Bigoted (Muslim) cleric ridiculed for claiming COVID vaccine has turned people gay

  3. JPost: Iran cleric: People who are vaccinated for COVID have ‘become homosexuals’

  4. Fack-Checkers: Religious Nut Jobs Don't Have Any Evidence Vaccines Make Your Kids Gay

  5. Syndicated News Wire: Baffled Scientists Still Unable To Find Any Evidence That Their Vaccines Made Your Kid Gay

  6. PinkNews: QAnon conspiracy theory claims COVID vaccines will turn you gay.

Of course, they all attribute this theory to some supposed "Q anon influencer" on telegram, who in turn is being influenced by this crazy Muslim guy, who in turn is being influenced by this crazy Jewish guy,

and who are probably ALL honeypots...

because they sure as hell can't attribute it to someone named u/VaccinesCauseSIDS at GAW

  1. This is how they get ahead of a debate, and try to pre-bunk it, and de-bunk it, before it ever "gets legs". they have to put out something online, so that when people do a google search for "do vaccines cause transgender", the user will find "the right answer"



Crackpot rabbi thinks the COVID-19 vaccine can turn people gay

Asor made his comments in a sermon shared on social media, according to an Israeli news outlet.

In the sermon, he claimed that “any vaccine made using an embryonic substrate… causes opposite tendencies”.

“Vaccines are taken from an embryonic substrate, and they did that here, too, so… it can cause opposite tendencies,” he added.

... i am impressed that this author did quote some of Asor's statements,

... BUT then the author goes on to say,

"Needless to say, there is not even a scrap of evidence to support any of Asor’s wild claims.

Furthermore, it should go without saying that vaccines cannot “turn” anybody gay. There is no evidence that any vaccine has ever resulted in a person changing their sexual orientation. Being gay is not a choice, nor is it a side-effect of a vaccine, as suggested by Asor"

A) Asor just got done explaining it to you, and you quoted him doing so. Then in the very same breath you go on to say that his claims are without the evidence that you yourself just got done quoting!?

to me this looks like the author just doesn't understand the enormity of what Asor is saying. it hasn't sunk in.

B) The author talks about "gay", whereas my original model didn't mention anything about "gay" and was limited to "trans gender / trans sexual" or gender incongruence.

So that means that at some point, someone else took the liberty of extrapolating the logic of my "vaccines cause trans" model into the "vaccines cause gay" model.

I honestly hadn't considered this possibility... until now...

but thats how these ideas get started, and how they spread.

how many lies were we told about COVID and COVID "vaccines"?

it is now very easy for the public to accept that the vaccine people have been lying about a whole lot more, for a whole lot longer.

by their fruit, ye shall know them...

this is important.

this model that the rabbi is talking about here, is one of my models!

the question is, is the rabbi honest?

or is he playing the role of a foil or shill?

meaning, that he will deliberately associate himself with this model, for the sole purpose of discrediting the model by his "religious nut job" association?

where did this rabbi get this model?

did he think it up himself?

i know i was talking about it before the published date of that article, so he could have read it online somewhere like reddit,

or even here at GAW...think it thru...

did "they" give this "crazy rabbi" the task of presenting this model to the world, so that it can be "debunked" by the fact-checkers and disseminated by the AP to the normies?

if you do a google search for "vaccines cause transgender" you will find that theres basically a handful of articles, but they are posted on many top-tier media sites

note the time and date stamps too...




But it almost seems that the cRaZy mUsLim GuY was just a forum slide,

to get the cRaZy jEwIsH GuY off the top of search results pages.

because the jewish guy was being more precise with his modeling,

whereas the muslim guy was allegedly making his "vaxx cause gays" claims without presenting any evidence or modeling whatsoever,

which is really convenient, for fake news narratives.

they would much rather talk about the guy who makes his clams "without evidence"

than talk about the guy who makes his claims "with evidence"

The real upshot of all of this, is that the fact-checkers already did, what we thought they may do, which was to "debunk" the "vaccines cause trans" model,

the fact-checkers got good quotes from very reputable scientists and doctors, and made them available for our continued debate and scrutiny.

we forced them to do, what they knew they didn't want to do,

which was to "legitimize the debate".

they desperately do not want to address this claim, because they know that by doing so, it merely brings more attention to the debate, and more questions get asked, and it snowballs out of control.

in part 3, i plan to address and rebut all of the relevant quotes, to further "legitimize the debate"

but for now, i just want to give everyone more background context on how the fake news media preemptively tried to get out ahead of this vaccine model, and how by doing so, they legitimized the debate.

this isn't going away...

once people understand the basic models, it becomes very clear, and even predictable, how a body will respond to a vaccine.

The latest viral COVID-19 conspiracy theory boosted by QAnon falsely claims vaccines turn children gay or trans


QAnon supporters embrace conspiracy that COVID vaccine makes people gay


i explain the fake news narrative playbook in more detail here:

A True Story, About Fake News
