I saw buildings close to each other, small windows, not many windows at all, no balconies/decks, no parks, outdoor spaces... no plants, nowhere to plant a garden. all the outdoor space they showed was weird little plant things growing in a field of rocks on wooden trellises. The buildings are close together. How will furniture be moved in? How far do you have to carry the couch? As others have pointed out, what about UPS/FedEx/Amazon deliveries? What if you don't like the restaurant that the commune provides?
Bikes and scooters are great, however what if one of these young women becomes pregnant? She probably shouldn't be riding on a bike or scooter (before you start with "well I did!!" I was pregnant multiple times and there is no WAY I could have ridden either of these safely during any of them!)
I think in 1800 this maybe could have worked, however we live modern lives. People will move in thinking they are happy to have a modern hippie commune, however much like the tiny house movement, they will discover it's unrealistic to modern living and eventually move on.
For the record, I lived in a 457 square foot condo before I got married, and I lasted 5 years. Mostly because I couldn't afford to move out. It was not ideal and I was ready to have space and a yard when I finally moved out. It always sounds good to do these things, however reality is that it is NOT.
I saw buildings close to each other, small windows, not many windows at all, no balconies/decks, no parks, outdoor spaces... no plants, nowhere to plant a garden. all the outdoor space they showed was weird little plant things growing in a field of rocks on wooden trellises. The buildings are close together. How will furniture be moved in? How far do you have to carry the couch? As others have pointed out, what about UPS/FedEx/Amazon deliveries? What if you don't like the restaurant that the commune provides? Bikes and scooters are great, however what if one of these young women becomes pregnant? She probably shouldn't be riding on a bike or scooter (before you start with "well I did!!" I was pregnant multiple times and there is no WAY I could have ridden either of these safely during any of them!) I think in 1800 this maybe could have worked, however we live modern lives. People will move in thinking they are happy to have a modern hippie commune, however much like the tiny house movement, they will discover it's unrealistic to modern living and eventually move on.
For the record, I lived in a 457 square foot condo before I got married, and I lasted 5 years. Mostly because I couldn't afford to move out. It was not ideal and I was ready to have space and a yard when I finally moved out. It always sounds good to do these things, however reality is that it is NOT.
Dorm room for several years during college. I know what it means. End of hallways but still noise from neighbor.