posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +27 / -0

(Part 1) Hypothesis: Transgenderism Is Caused By Vaccines... Gender Dysphoria Is An AutoImmune Disorder


(Part 2) [Fake News?] Transgenderism Is Caused By Vaccines... Gender Dysphoria Is An AutoImmune Disorder


In Part 3 and 4, we study all of their arguments against this "vaccines cause transgender" model,

and then we offer up some plausible rebuttals to those arguments.

So first of all, I would like you all to become very familiar with Dr PAUL OFFIT

He is an absolute GIANT in the field of vaccines, so when he speaks, we should listen, even if you don't like what he has to say.

Although i consider most vaccine pushers to be bad people, (Paul Offit included)

i actually believe in Paul Offit.

I believe that Paul Offit got involved with vaccines for all the right reasons. Paul tells his life story, and in it he describes a desire to help people from a very young age.

in other words, i don't think he got into for the money,

although he did get rich off of vaccines, and he sits on boards that vote on what vaccines to schedule, and he stands to make millions simply by voting to add vaccines he has financial interests in, so theres some dirt to dig into.

I believe he has within him the potential to reform himself, and if he can do that, he could change the course of vaccine history, world history, science history, health history, human history, ...

Paul Offit already HAS the truth at his fingertips,

BUT yet Paul Offit still LIES,

which we will discuss in greater detail later...

“We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.”

― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (USSR)

Or is it that Paul Offit simply can not SEE the truth right in front of his face? ...

...not yet, at least...

Please Join Me in Praying for Paul Offit.

Pray That Paul Offit's next breath inspires the Holy Spirit,

Pray that Paul Offit becomes a God-Fearing man, and kills his own ego,

Pray that Paul Offit gets down on the ground, and bends both knees.

Pray that Paul Offit is able to open his mind, to new understandings of old ideas.

Pray That Paul Offit is able to reform himself, and the entire vaccine industry.

Pray that Paul Offit repents.

Pray that Paul Offit will one day JOIN US on the right side of history.

If we can flip Paul Offit to our side, we win.

wiki fluff job



Petition for Paul A. Offit, MD to take 10,000 vaccines at one time. (change.org)


here are a few introductory videos.

Here Paul Offit says, quote,

"You can never really say, MMR doesn't cause autism, but frankly, when you get in front of the media, you better get used to saying it, because otherwise people hear a door being left open, when the door shouldn't be left open"

10 second video (save this video)


What i take this statement to mean is "you can't prove a negative"

Which is a very important point, and important argument.

This particular argument is the atheists primary defense when challenge to

"prove God does not exist"

The atheists one and only rebuttal to this argument is,

"we can't prove a negative..."

oh, and because you are the one positively claiming God DOES exist... how about YOU prove God DOES exist? instead of asking atheists to prove God DOES NOT exist?...

there are an infinite number of things that do not exist, and yet i still can't actually prove any of them don't exist ?

So Offit is "admitting" that it's "logically impossible to prove a negative"....

and therefore he says, "You can never really say, mmr DOES NOT cause autism",

this is a very important nuance, that we should continue to develop as a debate point,

because so many pro-vaccine people are also atheist, and it would create some ego-shattering cognitive dissonance for them to try and entertain two conflicting ideas...

that its paradoxically both impossible to prove a negative,

but also somehow possible to prove vaccines 'do not' cause autism...?

their next move would be to say, "well, we haven't seen any evidence to support..."

which opens the door to "great! lets take a closer look at your studies"

oftentimes, when some "expert" says "theres no evidence", what they really mean is that they haven't personally seen any evidence, usually because they didn't bother to look...

which is kinda strange isn't it?

they eagerly interview the guy who didn't see anything, while actively ignoring the guy who says he saw something?

Here is Dr. Paul Ofitt, in a recent interview, on whether or not he would get the #COVID19 vaccine. His answer may surprise you. #VaccineHesitancy


The Reality About Coronavirus Vaccine (w/Dr. Paul Offit)

Two pro-vaccine doctors unite with the views of anti-vaxxers against a new rushed Bill Gates Covid-19 vaccine. In this video, ZDoggMD interviews Dr. Paul Offit, who expresses serious concern about the risk with Bill Gates rushing a Covid-19 vaccine through testing

43 minutes


Paul Offit - Communicating Science to the Public: The Vaccine-Autism Controversy



If you are new-ish to the anti-vaccine movement, this video does an excellent job of going over the various "anti-vaccine" hypothesis' one-by-one, and (allegedly) debunking them.

It's kinda hard to watch, as an anti-vaccine person, as your various hypothesis get "debunked", and in a way that makes you look foolish...

but watch it anyway, to get a better sense of the timeline, of which hypothesis came first, how it supposedly got debunked, etc,

and near the end of this video, Paul Offit goes into ADJUVANTS,


and his demeanor changes, his tone changes, his body language changes...

and this is because Paul Offit knows the truth. Its his field of expertise.


A) The concept of an "Immunologic adjuvant" is to add an active ingredient or "component" to the vaccine, that causes a much stronger immune reaction, than otherwise would have happened without the adjuvant.

B) the addition of an adjuvant to a vaccine, causes an immune response to ALL vaccine ingredients, NOT JUST the intended antigen*.

C) antigen: antibody generator.

Pro-vaccine argument: yes, there are adjuvants in vaccines, but only in very small amounts

Anti-vaccine rebuttal: the measured amount might seem small, but that is irrelevant. what is relevant, is that the entire purpose of an adjuvant is to cause a stronger immune response,

the amount of adjuvant is whatever is deemed necessary to get the desired immune response,

And so if you believe that a vaccine gives you a "whole body" effect,

then surely you also must accept that an adjuvant also has an "while body" effect.

ADJUVANTS will be one of the cornerstones of these vaccine models, so its important for everyone to know the vocabulary, and to always have this background knowledge and context in mind, whenever you are engaged in vaccine debates etc.

adjuvant model:

adjuvant + ingredient = strong immune response to ingredient

example: the chicken egg model

adjuvant + chicken egg proteins = "chicken egg allergy"

people who have a "chicken egg allergy" are not able to take certain vaccines, that are made with chicken eggs.

they got this supposed "chicken egg allergy" induced on them, with a previous vaccine, that was made using chicken eggs, and adjuvants.

extrapolate the chicken egg model in as many directions as you can...


if just ONE vaccine made with chicken eggs, can cause you to have a strong "allergic reaction" to ANY and ALL future vaccines, that are made with chicken eggs...

then what else are you now "allergic" to?

in theory, you could become "allergic" to ANY and/or ALL ingredients/components in the vaccine.

and why wouldn't you have an allergic/immune response to ALL other common components of future vaccines?

if you didn't have a strong immune response to everything in the vaccine, then the adjuvant didn't do its job!


adjuvant + CHO = PCOS

CHO https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_hamster_ovary_cell

PCOS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polycystic_ovary_syndrome


adjuvant + human DNA = autoimmune disorders



Are human fetal cells used to make vaccines?


Some vaccines are made by growing the vaccine viruses in human fetal cell lines. However, the vaccines themselves do not contain fetal cells or tissue. The purification process removes nearly all the cell components so that only trace amounts of DNA and protein may be found in the vaccine.

"trace amounts" (wink-wink)

so do these "trace amounts" of human DNA in vaccines, combined with adjuvants, cause these so-called "autoimmune disorders"?

With these vaccine models, its a useful thought-experiment to ask yourself questions like,

"what would i expect to happen if... i injected an adjuvant, along with X,Y,Z ..."

or flip the question around, and ask it another way like,

"what would be a biologically plausible explanation for why... a woman's immune system would just randomly decide to attack her ovaries one day?"

and by looking at these vaccine reactions from beginning-to-end,

and then looking at the vaccine reactions again, from end-to-beginning,

we can work out the fine details in between, in a frame-by-frame, step-by-step, brute force...

Its very important for everyone to have a good idea of what an adjuvant is, because it is that background knowledge that will help unlock the mysteries of vaccine injuries.

also, once you know what an adjuvant is, and what its supposed to do, you will notice that Paul Offit carefully avoids talking about it, even though this man is a GIANT in the field of vaccines, and probably understands adjuvants and immune responses as well as anyone else on earth,

and yet Paul Offit decides to LIE by OMISSION.

Paul Offit knows that adjuvants are the variable that makes vaccines very different from other forms of "DNA mixing" such as eating meat, blood transfusions, and organ transplants.

i asked ChatGPT what would happen if ...

Me: what would happen if someone with a certain blood type was given a transfusion with the wrong blood type?

What would the immune response be?


Allergic reactions and immune responses are both reactions of the immune system, but they differ in their triggers, mechanisms, and outcomes. Here are the key differences between allergic reactions and immune responses:

  1. Trigger:

    • Allergic Reaction: Allergic reactions are triggered by exposure to allergens, which are typically harmless substances that the immune system mistakenly identifies as threats. Common allergens include pollen, pet dander, foods, insect stings, and certain medications.
    • Immune Response: Immune responses can be triggered by a wide range of foreign invaders, including pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. The immune system recognizes these invaders as foreign and mounts a response to eliminate them from the body.
  2. Mechanism:

    • Allergic Reaction: In an allergic reaction, the immune system produces an exaggerated or inappropriate response to an allergen. This response involves the release of histamine and other inflammatory mediators, which cause symptoms such as itching, swelling, hives, wheezing, and anaphylaxis.
    • Immune Response: In a typical immune response, the immune system recognizes foreign invaders through specialized cells and proteins, such as T cells and antibodies. It then mounts a coordinated attack to neutralize and eliminate the invaders, either by engulfing them (phagocytosis), producing antibodies to target them, or activating other immune cells to destroy them.
  3. Timing:

    • Allergic Reaction: Allergic reactions typically occur rapidly after exposure to an allergen, often within minutes to hours. However, delayed allergic reactions can also occur, with symptoms appearing hours to days after exposure.
    • Immune Response: Immune responses can vary in timing depending on the type of pathogen and the specific immune mechanisms involved. Some immune responses, such as those mediated by antibodies, can occur rapidly, while others, such as the development of T cell immunity, may take days to weeks.
  4. Specificity:

    • Allergic Reaction: Allergic reactions are characterized by a heightened sensitivity to specific allergens. Once sensitized, individuals may experience allergic reactions upon subsequent exposures to the same allergen.
    • Immune Response: Immune responses are highly specific to the invading pathogen. The immune system generates a targeted response tailored to the specific antigens presented by the pathogen, allowing for efficient recognition and elimination.
  5. Regulation:

    • Allergic Reaction: Allergic reactions are often dysregulated or overactive immune responses, leading to excessive inflammation and tissue damage. Individuals with allergies may have a predisposition to allergic reactions due to genetic factors or environmental triggers.
    • Immune Response: Immune responses are tightly regulated to prevent excessive inflammation and autoimmunity. Regulatory mechanisms, such as immune checkpoints and regulatory T cells, help maintain immune homeostasis and prevent immune-mediated pathology.

Overall, while allergic reactions and immune responses both involve the immune system, they differ in their triggers, mechanisms, timing, specificity, and regulation. Understanding these differences is crucial for diagnosing and managing allergic conditions and infectious diseases effectively.