Adrenochrome as a drug is made up. It is used as a blood clotting agent afaik and has some other pharmaceutical uses.
This rabbit hole leads to a dead end, it's a distraction. Not at all what we should be focusing on. Let's work with what we already have, which is a lot.
Most of us aren't ready for the truth of what they're actually doing to children. There's a reason for the ritualistic sexual abuse and it's not adrenochrome. Yes, it involves Satanism, that's what most know. What most don't know is that they use Black magic & the orgasm plays a vital role.
Most people are not ready for this truth because the orgasm is the root of evil. It is the original sin, and where black magicians draw power from. Orgasming while sacrificing children and defiling them increases this.
Adrenochrome as a drug is made up. It is used as a blood clotting agent afaik and has some other pharmaceutical uses. This rabbit hole leads to a dead end, it's a distraction. Not at all what we should be focusing on. Let's work with what we already have, which is a lot.
Most of us aren't ready for the truth of what they're actually doing to children. There's a reason for the ritualistic sexual abuse and it's not adrenochrome. Yes, it involves Satanism, that's what most know. What most don't know is that they use Black magic & the orgasm plays a vital role.
Most people are not ready for this truth because the orgasm is the root of evil. It is the original sin, and where black magicians draw power from. Orgasming while sacrificing children and defiling them increases this.
We are not ready for the truth, really.