330 Breaking: There are discussions across the country occurring right now the truckers are discussing if shutting down all deliveries to NYC should be accompanied by shutting down all deliveries to Wash DC also. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 348 days ago by brain_dead 348 days ago by brain_dead +330 / -0 100 comments download share 100 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I vote YES! Boycott them all. But this shouldn't be all on the truckers shoulders. I don't know what common Joe cue public can do outside of writing and being ignored by elected officials.
I treat my trucker neighbor very well. Every time he is home, he honked at us and we take him out to dinner or he comes over for dinner.
While he is away, he watch his house, take care of his dogs.
All I know to do.