The difference I saw being born and raised in Cali, is that previous legal immigrants and refugees worked hard and contributed, and they assimilated into OUR culture. Which usually happened naturally after a couple of generations, anyway. The "melting pot" actually worked. And I loved the diversity of my home state back then. Now, many are coming here to attempt to intentionally change our culture into something more like the failed one they left behind. But there were also limits on how many we would take in those days. Open borders are a death sentence and we do end up with a lot of criminals, including those sent by violent international gangs, anti-American terrorist entities and cartels. And some of those anti-American people with an agenda have now been elected to congress. Immigration only works if there is vetting first, and the numbers are controlled to a sustainable level. This is out-of-control, and our own government is engaged in human trafficking. We have traitors running the country at present. They will have to be removed for us to survive as a country and a culture. And it may take force to do it. Personally, I don't think we'll have to resort to that, because I expect that God will intervene with so many praying. I see some of it beginning to turn. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't be prepared, just in case. When your own government (or the small, traitorous group in control at the moment) is targeting its own citizens, that is the rational thing to do.
The difference I saw being born and raised in Cali, is that previous legal immigrants and refugees worked hard and contributed, and they assimilated into OUR culture. Which usually happened naturally after a couple of generations, anyway. The "melting pot" actually worked. And I loved the diversity of my home state back then. Now, many are coming here to attempt to intentionally change our culture into something more like the failed one they left behind. But there were also limits on how many we would take in those days. Open borders are a death sentence and we do end up with a lot of criminals, including those sent by violent international gangs, anti-American terrorist entities and cartels. And some of those anti-American people with an agenda have now been elected to congress. Immigration only works if there is vetting first, and the numbers are controlled to a sustainable level. This is out-of-control, and our own government is engaged in human trafficking. We have traitors running the country at present. They will have to be removed for us to survive as a country and a culture. And it may take force to do it. Personally, I don't think we'll have to resort to that, because I expect that God will intervene with so many praying. I see some of it beginning to turn. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't be prepared, just in case. When your own government (or the small, traitorous group in control at the moment) is targeting its own citizens, that is the rational thing to do.