My family/clan is relatively large and are slaves mostly of the medical industrial complex and almost ALL are jabbed except for less than a handful, and most are still in DENIAL even after dropping “cluster bombs” of redpills, suppositories, enemas including Drs. Fauci, Birx, Jha, etc that ALL of the basis of their mandates were NOT based on science and/or overtly lied🤬😤😡
My family/clan is relatively large and are slaves mostly of the medical industrial complex and almost ALL are jabbed except for less than a handful, and most are still in DENIAL even after dropping “cluster bombs” of redpills, suppositories, enemas including Drs. Fauci, Birx, Jha, etc that ALL of the basis of their mandates were NOT based on science and/or overtly lied🤬😤😡
I was a slave to the M.I.C. too⛔️⛔️⛔️💀💀💀💉💉💉😷😷😷