posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +171 / -0


Look at the above post from HelloDolly and the top comment from bubble_bursts. (6 year delta)

Given the fact that Elon posted, "This is a test" and it lines up with the AT&T outage and has a corresponding Q post delta talking about satellite security tests, I think it is significant.

I think the top half of post 803 talks about security tests of our telecommunication network. At that time Huawei was installing 5G networks across the country and it was realized that China was installing telecommunication networks that was a national security threat.

The bottom half of post 803 talks about satellite security tests and we know Elon Musk is the king of satellites, Starlink.

Post 803 was posted in 2018 and it mentions the Secure Communications Act which came to life in 2019, passed as law in 2020. How would Q know about Secure Communications Act 2 years in advance?

Secure Communications Act became law in March 2020 and it provided $1.9 Billion to remove and replace Huawei telecommunication network because it was a risk to national security. (I personally think some of that money went to Elon)



In post 803 Q then says [SIG_5:5_READ]

In the Q abbreviation guide "SIG" may stand for Signal Intelligence (SIGINT)


SIGINT itself, is the act and field of intelligence-gathering by interception of signals, whether communications between people or from electronic signals not directly used in communication. Signals intelligence is a subset of intelligence collection management. As classified and sensitive information is usually encrypted, signals intelligence may necessarily involve cryptanalysis.


We know what 55 has come to mean in our community. (the storm is upon us)


"My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......." Could this be in reference to a Solar Storm that takes out telecommunication networks and creates the 10 days of Darnkess?

"Darnkess" is mentioned in post 97 and this post talks about Gen Flynn, Military Intelligence, Moves and countermoves, False flags, intel ops, war, good vs evil, the silent ones (ghosts in the machine?), monitoring. Many of the clues in post 97 point to SIGNIT which ties all this together. Did they stumble upon a threat from China? Was Huawei part of that threat?


How do we tie all this together, this is only a theory.

"Who was part of MI during BO term?" General Flynn was the Director of the DIA during Obama's term and it was perhaps when the 16-year plan of Obama and Hillary was discovered. That plan included a nuclear war between Russia and the USA which would leave China as the standing world leader. Think Uranium One. Once Hillary lost, did China put plan B in effect?

How wide is the Darnkess event? I think it could be worldwide. Why is this necessary? Threats of WW3? I think ICBM's are guided with satellites. How do you take out your enemies nuclear threat? The people will be fed a Solar Strom story but in reality it is the white hats (Space Force) removing satellite function worldwide which would eliminate any threat of a precision strike with nuclear missiles. Remember, the elite would rule over a smoldering ash heap as long as they stay in power. Moves and countermoves are standing in their way.

I think we are inching closer to the grand finale. Trump will win South Carolina primary on Feb 24th, knocking out Niki Haley in her own state and become the Republican nominee. This will anger the deep state, increase their level of panic and increase the threat of false flag SHTF scenarios.

If the satellites are knocked out worldwide, the US Military will still have Elon's Starlink to maintain a strategic advantage over the enemy and monitor incoming threats.

Many red flags seem to be lining up but I have faith in the plan. It may not be apparent, in the grand scheme of things, it seems our military, Trump and Q have taken every possible action to protect us from every scenario that poses us a threat. Not everything is foolproof so we should be praying for the best outcome.