I dont know what to expect to see happen with this at all. I sure wasnt expecting anything on the first day.
We cooked up some ground beef and chicken livers with some squash and beef broth.i mixed in the fenben and vitamins. She slurped it right up.
My wife said she slept all day.its not unusual for her to sleep all day.shes a lazy mutt.
When i came home,i noticed the rancid smelling breath wasnt bad,could usually smell it across the room. I didnt say anything.out of the blue my wife said "i really cant smell her breath". She was drooling some gross looking stuff. I assume the lump popped and was leaking.
The lump on her face looked like it shrunk. I didnt say anything to my wife. Woke up this morning and wife was all excited cuz the lump shrank and she can open her eye all the way. The lump is literally about half the size it was.
I did not think id be giving an update for atleast a few more days or a week. I dont know if these changes are a good thing caused by 1 dosing or its a bad thing indicating the end is near. Ill dose her again this morning and see what happens.
If you are using fenen in the tube (for horses at any feed store for livestock) the plunger on the tube is markeif in 50 lb increments with hash marks denoting each 10 pounds in between. Dose for each 10 lbs bur round up. So if your dog weighs 60 lbs you to to 50 mark then 1 bit more to the next little hash mark. For the next dose just add 60 to what the plunger says (60), push in to the 120 mark and that is the next dose amount
As for the first dose, it is very safe, over dosing would probably cause diarrhea. But as you pointed out after apoptosis happens, it has to be emitted one end or the other, so there is that but this is an anti parasitic primarily and it does make for emissions as well. I am no doctor or vet and am not giving advice. Just sharing life on a farm. It has been my experience that this has extremely positive results on parasites as well as cancer in ANY species we have given it to. Again, I am no doctor or vet and not giving medical advice, just sharing my own experiences on the farm. Be brave for your pup, you got.this. Texas
Im using a liquid form that my vet gave me. Im assuming its the goat stuff.