My thoughts exactly, what kind of people come up with something like this defense?
Back in the day, it was hard to distinguish between good and bad people. They used the ruse "there are good and bad" in everyone to normalize the bad things people did. I am convinced this was just another ruse to shield that there really are good and bad people. Criminals are obvious but there is a whole population of people who lack any moral compass and they prey upon the good in varying degrees.
Now a days it is becoming very easy to spot those people as they start to stand out in pursuit of destroying freedom and goodness.
Which douchebag lawyer came up with this lawsuit?
My thoughts exactly, what kind of people come up with something like this defense?
Back in the day, it was hard to distinguish between good and bad people. They used the ruse "there are good and bad" in everyone to normalize the bad things people did. I am convinced this was just another ruse to shield that there really are good and bad people. Criminals are obvious but there is a whole population of people who lack any moral compass and they prey upon the good in varying degrees.
Now a days it is becoming very easy to spot those people as they start to stand out in pursuit of destroying freedom and goodness.