Vaxxed stepdad has multiple organ cancer. Looking for treatments to research!
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
My stepdad got the very disheartening news that he has malignant masses of the pancreas, one lung, and liver. The masses are between 1-2 cm. Has anybody had luck with fenbendazole / ivermectin treatments for these kinds of cancers?
I appreciate your prayers, frens.
Should be stickied at least every week as an FYI starting early in the day. I’ll be adding materials to it every time I see any additional materials including from other anons. Not interested in clicks and upvotes. I am here for info sharing and gathering FYI purposes ONLY.
Unfortunately I can’t post it myself- not enough “handshake” points - got “🎸🎸🎸 on the run” (Paul McCartney and wings)