It's a beautiful thing to hear people acknowledging Jesus. It's miraculous when they fully surrender to Him as LORD. The angels rejoice when one sinner repents.
But we must be very shrewd because many false prophets have gone out into the world. Know your Bible, and pray, so you have discernment.
You’re right, Joe. We do need Jesus. Thankfully, we all can have him because of His love and grace. We simply need to admit we are sinners, repent and accept His gift of eternal salvation. But it starts with the understanding that we are hopelessly lost in our sin without Him.
"VITROIL" ??? I'm puzzled ! You got me on that one. I know people / x- friends that are of the like, of ; "I used to be F-ed -Up" on "Sex / Drugs / & Rock&Roll". Now I'm "F-ed-Up" on Jesus Christ ! They now can recite the Bible verse for verse. Now they are professionals at hiding the "Infidelity's/ Ill-Gotten Gains / Drug - Alcohol" use in a much more palatable manor. Another Mind Bender is the Roman Catholic Church that I attend - it has a giant mural of the likeness of Christ , sitting in a large chair - throwing up the "OK / 666" hand symbol , behind the Alter. Pagan symbols all over the interior of the Church. Angels with "Broken Wings" , "Crosses" with broken arms , PLUS / + Symbols - instead of traditional Crosses. The image of Christ has "Domino Chips" with quantities of "3's & 6's surrounding him - "X"'s surrounding him . . . in numerical blocks of - "666". Checker Board Floor at his feet.
This Parish stopped serving the Sacraments during the "Lock Downs". It took two years before the once again began to serve the Host / "Body of Christ" . The Wine / Blood of Christ - wasn't served until about six month's ago. Now - The single large "Host" & the "Single Challis" of wine is Consecrated. The bowels of wafers , and the three challis's of wine are set to the side , and are not part of the blessing ritual. The Priest of the Parish "DO NOTHING" but go along - to get along. My statement stands ( respectfully ) that there is a good percentage of people out there that "Have a FAITH" based upon a feeling ? or a "Bird's of a Feather" mentality. I'm sure that there are many many many people who search for meaning within there FAITH , and MAY never find something that resonates and hit's them like a ton of bricks ! ( I'm not faulting any such person. ) DarQ2Light - I was just pointing out the many many many , who are - let's just say - "Not So HONEST" , Believers ! A "Faith of Convenience" , not a Faith with a good Ole Fashioned "God Smack" that opens one's eyes !
Dude deep breaths. Just look into the evidence for the Bible, see if it’s reliable and go from there. You’ll see the evidence is overwhelming if you truly are searching for truth. Praying for you.
I laugh my ass off when People say they are gonna "Find Jesus" !!! FYI - One doesn't "Find Jesus" ! For any number of reasons ?????? - Jesus MAY send a couple of his representatives to have a "Sit Down" with you and give you a funny feeling ? toss out a few to many coincidences in front of your face ??????? wipe out Your Family ? Your Marriage ? Your Bank Account ? "OR" - do nothing at all, when you Pray / Beg / Plead for Mercy ??? any number of things. One thing "For Sure" - Both God the Father and His Son have a very odd sense of Humor !!! And it Ain't FUNNY !!! ( it is to Them !!! ) And SOME of us know what that entails !!!
It's a beautiful thing to hear people acknowledging Jesus. It's miraculous when they fully surrender to Him as LORD. The angels rejoice when one sinner repents. But we must be very shrewd because many false prophets have gone out into the world. Know your Bible, and pray, so you have discernment.
You’re right, Joe. We do need Jesus. Thankfully, we all can have him because of His love and grace. We simply need to admit we are sinners, repent and accept His gift of eternal salvation. But it starts with the understanding that we are hopelessly lost in our sin without Him.
Breath handshake . You're ranting like a liberal shill........
"VITROIL" ??? I'm puzzled ! You got me on that one. I know people / x- friends that are of the like, of ; "I used to be F-ed -Up" on "Sex / Drugs / & Rock&Roll". Now I'm "F-ed-Up" on Jesus Christ ! They now can recite the Bible verse for verse. Now they are professionals at hiding the "Infidelity's/ Ill-Gotten Gains / Drug - Alcohol" use in a much more palatable manor. Another Mind Bender is the Roman Catholic Church that I attend - it has a giant mural of the likeness of Christ , sitting in a large chair - throwing up the "OK / 666" hand symbol , behind the Alter. Pagan symbols all over the interior of the Church. Angels with "Broken Wings" , "Crosses" with broken arms , PLUS / + Symbols - instead of traditional Crosses. The image of Christ has "Domino Chips" with quantities of "3's & 6's surrounding him - "X"'s surrounding him . . . in numerical blocks of - "666". Checker Board Floor at his feet. This Parish stopped serving the Sacraments during the "Lock Downs". It took two years before the once again began to serve the Host / "Body of Christ" . The Wine / Blood of Christ - wasn't served until about six month's ago. Now - The single large "Host" & the "Single Challis" of wine is Consecrated. The bowels of wafers , and the three challis's of wine are set to the side , and are not part of the blessing ritual. The Priest of the Parish "DO NOTHING" but go along - to get along. My statement stands ( respectfully ) that there is a good percentage of people out there that "Have a FAITH" based upon a feeling ? or a "Bird's of a Feather" mentality. I'm sure that there are many many many people who search for meaning within there FAITH , and MAY never find something that resonates and hit's them like a ton of bricks ! ( I'm not faulting any such person. ) DarQ2Light - I was just pointing out the many many many , who are - let's just say - "Not So HONEST" , Believers ! A "Faith of Convenience" , not a Faith with a good Ole Fashioned "God Smack" that opens one's eyes !
Another hyperventilating shill ? Geeze you guys are desperate. Reeeeeeeeeeeeee
Dude deep breaths. Just look into the evidence for the Bible, see if it’s reliable and go from there. You’ll see the evidence is overwhelming if you truly are searching for truth. Praying for you.
I laugh my ass off when People say they are gonna "Find Jesus" !!! FYI - One doesn't "Find Jesus" ! For any number of reasons ?????? - Jesus MAY send a couple of his representatives to have a "Sit Down" with you and give you a funny feeling ? toss out a few to many coincidences in front of your face ??????? wipe out Your Family ? Your Marriage ? Your Bank Account ? "OR" - do nothing at all, when you Pray / Beg / Plead for Mercy ??? any number of things. One thing "For Sure" - Both God the Father and His Son have a very odd sense of Humor !!! And it Ain't FUNNY !!! ( it is to Them !!! ) And SOME of us know what that entails !!!
Never expected that kind of vitriol in this forum
Shills be like that. Their freaking is like blood in the water. See them for what they are. Pariahs of misinformation.