Demonic rituals = conjuring demons from hell. The demon is chained to the will of the conjurer to complete whatever task the ritual demands. And I have no idea what task TS is demanding, but I have heard that many Swifties in attendance on this latest tour can’t remember anything at all about the concert.
Those in attendance become complicit participants whether they know that or not… unless they verbally rebuke what they are witnessing in Jesus’ name.
And let me tell you, Fren, demons don’t like being told what to do by a human. They hate us to their core already, never mind being a temporary slave to a coven of women. And I say “women” on purpose because demons hate women more than they hate men (I don’t know why.) If there is an erroneous deviation of the ritual, that demon then becomes unchained and can attack or posses anyone there.
Revelation 12:17
'And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.'
Destroy the woman and the whole of civilization goes with her.
Demonic rituals = conjuring demons from hell. The demon is chained to the will of the conjurer to complete whatever task the ritual demands. And I have no idea what task TS is demanding, but I have heard that many Swifties in attendance on this latest tour can’t remember anything at all about the concert.
Those in attendance become complicit participants whether they know that or not… unless they verbally rebuke what they are witnessing in Jesus’ name.
And let me tell you, Fren, demons don’t like being told what to do by a human. They hate us to their core already, never mind being a temporary slave to a coven of women. And I say “women” on purpose because demons hate women more than they hate men (I don’t know why.) If there is an erroneous deviation of the ritual, that demon then becomes unchained and can attack or posses anyone there.
Revelation 12:17 'And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.'
Destroy the woman and the whole of civilization goes with her.