I was a Presidential Elector in 2016. My State was not a member of the Compact. There are various laws across the USA. One of the things "they" have done is the National Electoral Vote Compact. The Compact says that the states that are members will award their votes to whomever receives the most nationwide popular votes. It would have worked great for the Democrats with California and New York having such an excessive number of people - Bill Clinton, Obama, Hillery Clinton, and Biden. But if RFK, Jr. takes away votes from Biden. So who will those Electoral votes go to? TRUMP! California Electoral votes go to Trump. New York Electoral College votes go to Trump. All the 20+ (however many) Electoral College votes go to Trump. Not THAT will be funny!
I was a Presidential Elector in 2016. My State was not a member of the Compact. There are various laws across the USA. One of the things "they" have done is the National Electoral Vote Compact. The Compact says that the states that are members will award their votes to whomever receives the most nationwide popular votes. It would have worked great for the Democrats with California and New York having such an excessive number of people - Bill Clinton, Obama, Hillery Clinton, and Biden. But if RFK, Jr. takes away votes from Biden. So who will those Electoral votes go to? TRUMP! California Electoral votes go to Trump. New York Electoral College votes go to Trump. All the 20+ (however many) Electoral College votes go to Trump. Not THAT will be funny!
Poetic justice to be sure.