Just having some thoughts...at least myself, after being awakened, I found myself standing for truth more often than not. I finally understood what our founders fought for. No longer a sheep.
But I've noticed that more and more I'm forced to choose between a relationship with either family, friends or dating, or the truth. I refuse to pretend everything is fine, I refuse to think BLM is a just and righteous movement. I refuse to call Biden a title he never earned. I refuse to pretend the mRNA shots work.
Never felt more alone than before. Yes we have this community, but real life relationships have definitely taken a toll.
Any ideas for how we can solve this?
I have never been more isolated than I am right now. I lost several friendships and connections between 2015 and 2020. I moved to a rural area of a new state shortly after the last presidential election and lost the few friends I had left. Half my family doesn't talk to me, my brother, or my parents because they know we support Trump and didn't get vaxxed. (And my brother's mother-in-law banned her own grandkids from visiting her because my brother wouldn't get them vaxxed. She sees them now but still won't speak to him.)
I've always been an introverted person, so not having friends isn't a huge problem for me. And my husband is my best friend, and I'm very grateful for that. But I do miss having a girlfriend to chat with sometimes. I've been working on just accepting that this is the dividing time, a time of confusion and deception when everyone will choose the side they think is best. I've chosen mine. And I guess I am at peace feeling lonely over here. And I truly am grateful for the new things in my life. It's just very different.
I started visiting churches a few months ago, so maybe I'll make a friend at one eventually. But mostly I'm just trying to get to know the Lord. That's the most important thing anyway.
You and my wife would get along I think :)
I believe it's harder for women in this situation. It's been my observation that they process life's challenges by talking about it (endlessly it seems ;) ) and as much as my wife and I are best friends, she could do with a female friend she can trust.
I see how hard it is for her, but she's a real trooper. I pray that this shitty situation starts to resolve sooner rather than later. God bless.
It's true. Women need that social time more than men do, I think. Or at least in a different way. I never realized how true this is until recently. I have some female coworkers I get along with, but I'm a teacher, so most of them are pretty liberal. I don't even bother trying to develop a friendship with anyone at work because I know where that would go eventually.
And I pray this situation is coming to an end soon, too. It's getting very heavy for us all. God bless you and your wife.