We're not all living under a rock.
Today God's Chosen People assassinated 104 starving people hoping to receive supplies from a food truck. Snipers and weaponised drones were used. 760 more were injured, and four children died from starvation. Our own congress is funding this with American taxpayer money, while our own veterans sleep in cardboard boxes in the street. Evil enough?
The same congress is diverting billions of dollars to protecting a country overthrown by Victoria Nuland in 2014 to avenge her grandfather. That country became a prominent hub of child sex trafficking, drug trafficking, Neo-Nazi shelling of Russian speaking citizens, bio-warfare laboratories and massive money laundering by American politicians. Billions upon billions of your money is being sent to keep it that way. Evil enough?
The mainstream media is incapable of telling the truth about any of this, partly because the Obama administration gave them marching orders to lie about everything and spout propaganda 24/7. The average citizen has no clue about any of this. Evil enough?
The Democrats and their supporters are attempting to choke the life out of anyone potentially capable of resisting them. They attack Trump hoping for his death by a thousand daggers. The close coordination of corrupt judges in every state reveals this is all preplanned. Evil enough?
Are you satisfied that a group of truckers is going to fix it all?
Can it be any clearer who are the domestic enemies? Why aren't we aggressively boycotting everything that is plainly evil, including the fake Israel, those willing to sacrifice our country for corrupt Ukraine, the fake news behemoth and corrupt operatives throughout the left who show no respect for lawful America? Are we that stupid?
Maybe it's time to withdraw our money and our slavish support of these abominations, do ya think? Or maybe it's not evil enough yet.
If they are a mindless consumer of mindless stuff, it has an effect on you if you let useless stuff soak up your time and attention. But I think you know what I meant.