Interesting note in his IMDb bio... "... He jumped to WCW to be apart of the New World Order (NWO). He was known as Vincent, which was just a poke at WWF Owner Vince McMahon. ...".
So wrestling had or has an organization called the "New World Order"?? Anyone follow wrestling here can confirm or refute this?
Interesting note in his IMDb bio... "... He jumped to WCW to be apart of the New World Order (NWO). He was known as Vincent, which was just a poke at WWF Owner Vince McMahon. ...".
So wrestling had or has an organization called the "New World Order"?? Anyone follow wrestling here can confirm or refute this?
I think NWO was sort of a team (stable) at the height of WCW's popularity. It featured "Hollywood Hulk Hogan" after he left WWE.