CuriousLurker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fist-pumping . . . A Trump classic since at least 1992 . . .


"Rocky" theme music and triple fist pump on entry. Fight, fight, fight!


CuriousLurker 3 points ago +3 / -0

First, thank God this political prisoner was freed from the clutches of the cruel swamp creatures. May ALL the other J6 patriots be released soon as well.

Looking into this creepy judge appointed by BO, Christopher Cooper, and it appears his wife, Dorothy Ames "Amy" Jeffress, is an attorney for San Fran Nan in a lawsuit brought against the J6 unselect committee (link below). Isn't that a conflict of interest for Cooper to be presiding over cases where his wife has even peripheral involvement by one of her cases? Wouldn't this be considered a conflict of interest??



CuriousLurker 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe it's something different. Thanks for asking because I'm not an expert, will research it further when I have more time.

Look through the link, below, as it seems to have some good info. From a cursory glance, the binary trigger gets off two shots - one on the pull and a second on the release of the trigger. The FRT let's off one shot only, at the pull, but allows the ensuing round to be shot out quicker than a normal trigger. I'll need to look into the technical details more myself.



CuriousLurker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Look at his mouth when he says "... kings and dictators do not rule; people do... " His smile freezes in that clown-like position and words come out, but his lips don't move. AI?? Or is this a glitch in the refeed?? (Edit- may be re-feed as it's glitching in another place also).

CuriousLurker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hands look different to me, too, as well as the shape of his head, but he's lying like ol' Joe. "Most secure border in the history of the United States". Roger that, potato.

CuriousLurker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for this. The linked article here doesn't mention this case, but cites other reasons why Disney stock is becoming unattractive/toxic to investors - namely the sexualization, especially LGBTQ crap, and politicization of it's content, resultant decline of previously-successful franchises and such.

Good luck to Miss Carano in her lawsuit against the Disney censorship thugs.

CuriousLurker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sure. He's got the kind of voice that makes it sound like he's pinching his nostrils together when he talks.

I keep expecting the Potatus to slip up and spill the beans again. ("We've put together the most extensive... voter fraud organization..." https://youtu.be/WGRnhBmHYN0 )

CuriousLurker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anything that erodes the chokehold FNM has on stopping the truth from getting out and/or prevents them from disseminating lies makes this anon very, very happy. FNM/MSM/"Legacy Media" is currently the enemy of the people.

CuriousLurker 6 points ago +6 / -0

Saint Floyd. How fitting that a drug-addled, violent criminal is their inspiration.

And are those fires and smoke plumes in the background as blue cities are getting torched by antifa? "Here, Kamala. . . You can torch the next city. I'm getting tired." "Thanks, Joe. I got the torch. Which blue city shall we burn next? Cackle! Cackle!"

CuriousLurker 1 point ago +1 / -0

(With a touchscreen) . . . Click on post title to go to the X/Twitter link. Click on the screen so the controls show. Click on the "gear" (settings) icon and set the playback speed to .5 to slow it down. Press the Play arrow and listen carefully.

I heard gunman, not gubmint.

CuriousLurker 4 points ago +4 / -0

Three weeks ago. And supposedly HS was to be barred from being able to connect with anyone in the political arena. Is this CNN interview considered "political adjacent" or were threats of USSS squashing HS like a bug overblown? Is this another indication that the USSS is compromised as the assassination attempt on POTUS seems to show?

Edit: HS was supposedly going to be barred from entering any federal building or being around political figures, but apparently the FNM is still accessible to him, his free speech, of course, allowed in those venues.



CuriousLurker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Especially that last topic, Mike Tyson, when Trump wanted to point out the fishy BS in MT's trial and DL just kept trying to say one should never question the "accepted" narrative - aka, don't notice things, don't tell others if you do and just shut up and parrot out what the shot-callers tell you to say, don't think for yourselves. DL was just flat-out trying to squash the truth from getting out.

CuriousLurker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Expect plenty more of this leading up to and after the elections in November. The DS will try and set all their violent minions off on murderous rampages and try to burn the country down as they face their inevitable, impending demise. These rabid leftists truly are evil. Head on a swivel and stay frosty.

Prayers for the gentleman who was deliberately injured by that feral (now allegedly deceased) animal. May the Lord heal this elderly man as He guides the doctors and nurses to provide the very best care and comfort to him during this time. 🙏✝️

CuriousLurker 1 point ago +1 / -0

What's perhaps most interesting, IMHO and according to some in the comments section for the article, is that KO has an audience of around 900K. Nearly a million people take the time and effort to tune into KO's show to hear this unhinged drivel. It's sad to think there are so very many lost souls out there.

CuriousLurker 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thanks for that. There's so much BS flying around now with respect to the Potatus it's like a constant 72-hour rule. I guess I'll actually watch the address tomorrow night to see what's being said. It would be funny if he said something like "I'm not going anywhere, folks! Vote for me in December!"

CuriousLurker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thinking anyone should have the right to terminate another's basic human rights because you disagree with them - communist. And, let's face it, KO and the other rabid leftists like him hate it when good people are happy, when they have something good to celebrate.

CuriousLurker 4 points ago +4 / -0

The guy is literally insane at this point. I mean, full-fledged, point of no return, off the proverbial rails, needs strong psyche meds. (Comments on the article are good).

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