You know my position on this abomination inside YHVH's holy temple. I've been all over this forum in the past about it. Here's a interesting fact, the very first one administered here in the US or UK was the exact middle of the great American solar eclipses.
It makes this coming one in April very significant in my opinion. It's quite possible that a sovereign judgment is about to take place. Either on those who defiled YHVH's holy temple or the entire nation or perhaps both. All I know is that this can't go on much longer until He deals with it all. As His word says, if He doesn't shorten the days for the elect's sake there wouldn't be any flesh left to save.
A call for repentance is in order for this land. There may not be much time left to do so.
This blew me away. Thanks for sharing.
I was saying that because that was the first thought that came to mind, Mark of the Beast
You know my position on this abomination inside YHVH's holy temple. I've been all over this forum in the past about it. Here's a interesting fact, the very first one administered here in the US or UK was the exact middle of the great American solar eclipses. It makes this coming one in April very significant in my opinion. It's quite possible that a sovereign judgment is about to take place. Either on those who defiled YHVH's holy temple or the entire nation or perhaps both. All I know is that this can't go on much longer until He deals with it all. As His word says, if He doesn't shorten the days for the elect's sake there wouldn't be any flesh left to save. A call for repentance is in order for this land. There may not be much time left to do so.
Can someone help me to get a nitter link please?