Problem solved. Thanks to everyone for their help!
I like to post the 'Q for Dummies' series when I receive them. They are from a Badlands Media Substack. In my last post, someone asked me to remove the tracking information from the URL. They said to remove everything after the '?'. I just tried that (as well as removing the ?) and all I get is a link to the main screenshot for the post. It doesn't contain the text of the substack. Is there an easy way of doing this without downloading any apps? Thanks for any assistance that you can give.
Yes, the ? and everything after it... with exceptions:
In the case of above removing this will not work, as it will send users here: (which doesn't get you any video)
In the above case the ?v=jNQXAC9IVRw is saying 'video = jNQXAC9IVRw' which is required to see the video
The goal is to chop down all the extra junk after the ? so that you have the bare minimum that you can paste into a new browser and it gets you to the page you want to share.
url's that have this usually work this way:
- the url?
- the url parameter startv=jNQXAC9IVRw
url parameter 1 (in youtube's case required to see the video)&
url parameter separator (before the next one)t=10
url parameter 2 (in youtube's case required for the time start index)&
url parameter separatorref=fbid-b3f3f92c-e6fb-4e72-9d6e-9809b7322ae4
url parameter 3 (in youtube's case this would probably tell youtube facebook ID is responsible for the URL link that they can store and link back to a user when facebook and youtube exchange $ for data etc, and then whoever's id that is is known - that's the kind of thing you want to remove)Thanks very much. I got it to work.