Just a reminder of what happens if you import a 3rd world country's uncivilized culture and mindset, into a great and mighty nation such as our own.

It's authentic actually, there's more than what's seen in the actual image above from the original source.
There's different levels of compromise, the longer you have it infiltrated by insidious forces from within.
It will become much more difficult to tell the truth without being hindered as much, but the regarding Holohoax myself.
I still don't hold it for nothing of being legitimate and if it was proven true even then, the official recorded historical estimates of six million reported are heavily exaggerated.
I'm not saying it isn't "authentic"
I'm saying it's PROPOGANDA
You may call it that, but it's not wrong for a multitude of reasons.
Actually it's worse over there in our time, South Africa today is an example of the barbarism they want to export here in America and Europe.
Trump has spoken out about that issue numerous times, the mainstream media also labels it as "propaganda."
The differences between truth and propaganda, you see the mainstream media for example.
They literally do propaganda themselves, since a majority of what they preach cannot be proven true.
With truth it cannot be said that it takes a certain side with bias included, because it doesn't require lies or anything else less to back it up.
I'm more concerned with the barbarism of another DEATH CULT that sacrifice children to Moloch.
Epstein, Weinstein, Maxwell, MOSSAD
that doesn't rely on propoganda either, quite the opposite
Basically these people spoken about are literally doing the same, if not similar sacrifices of human life the cabal regularly does themselves. Is that not correct?