90 The latest corruption reports continue to astound and astonish me. "You don't have to pay minimum wage because you sell bread." WHAAAT? (nypost.com) 🤡 Clown World 🌎 posted 1 year ago by StormzAComing 1 year ago by StormzAComing +91 / -1 Panera Bread exempt from California’s $20 minimum wage law after owner donated to Gov. Newsom: report Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a law exempting Panera Bread from a new $20-an-hour minimum wage hike for fast food chains after the owner of several of the chain’s locations donated to his campaign… 16 comments share 16 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Owner must be one of his biggest donors.
Yep, Greg Flynn, big Newsom donor