Your goal as a moderator on this site is to ensure the best user experience. In our best interest, we can agree that we desire freedom of speech and the freedom to discuss whatever topics we deem necessary to the Great Awakening.
When us anons here are discontent with your moderation policies, it is of your best interest, and the best interest of the board, to reconsider your practices. Whether you disagree with the nature of the content, the source of the content, or the relevancy to Q or the Great Awakening (to a reasonable degree,) you should not be so quick to remove topics of discussion.
Thank you.
I'm also going to sticky a comment about moderating. Here goes:
Moderators have two jobs that cannot both co-exist and that are counter-opposed to one another. Yes, absolutely, we are responsible for the long-term health of the discussion on this board. We WANT hardcore participation, we turn ourselves inside out for it. But GAW will be proper fucked if we allow unwanted species to multiply freely—and here I mean the low-effort, low-info tards. Whatever you're hunting or trying to attract, you put 'bait' that attracts your target. To us, this is high-quality content. That's what we like to read, and that is the exact audience that Q chose in the first place. You were chosen for a reason.
Therefore, here on GAW, above all else, the mod focus is to target and encourage only the highest of high-effort, high-info posters who post real, provable, and research-backed comments and posts.
BUT mods ALSO have the unenviable task of weeding out the dreck, the driftwood, the casuals that through their effort levels demonstrate that they don't belong on GAW, they belong in Telegram groups, posting about how "rIDiCuLoUs" the lunar landers look and how Elon Musk can't break the firmanment.
Now, and I cannot stress this enough, but... screw every single one of these faggots.
It's an unpopular tactic even among our most dedicated users, but, the herd must be thinned, and mods also understand that they have to remove the dead weight and the lazy, here on GAW, as well.
Several challenges went out today, for instance, from the DEW thread, and the results in modmail have been predictable.
I'll say it again, for anyone in the back: GAW is an elite research board, not a digital daycare for low-effort, low-info fuckwits. If you happen to wander on the field, you have two choices—move the ball forward, help our narrative win, -OR- be prepared to be handed a Bud Light and moved to the nosebleeds where you belong.
We are weaponized autists. We do not forgive. We do not forget. You cannot out-work or out-lift us. We will win ever single time because we are more devoted, dedicated, and well-informed than our enemies. Expect us.
This is a FIRE post that makes me glad the word LEAD is in your role. Thank you for your service Catsfive, not just to this board but to this great nation and to the planet we as a nation protect from the wiles of the Devil.
Even rallies are rife with low-information autists who want to take anyone who will listen down some meaningless rabbithole concerning issues we have already dealt with etc. This one kid at a rally, he was on-point and he was correct but he would just nottttt shut the ffffffffffuck up in line, rattling off Law of War Manual this and Fake News that.... like dude we know. We all know. But he wasn't even properly informed, he was making logical mistakes in the way he was presenting the information to the point that he just made everything he was talking about sound stupid asf to an outside observer not already familiar with the material.
It is good to get rid of some of the silliness and the "DiD yOu kNoW tHeY can sEe eVeRyThInG oN yOuR pHoNe ScReEn?"