...Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends...
Thru the Bible - Sunday Sermon with Dr. J. Vernon McGee
The Greatest Love Story Ever Told
Throughout time, some of the most wonderful stories have been about love. Whether fact or fiction, they capture our hearts and stir our souls. One of the greatest love stories is found in the Old Testament book of the Song of Solomon.
Thru the Bible - Minute with McGee Dr. J. Vernon McGee
All For His Purpose
Daily Promises
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. (1 Corinthians 2:9)
How unimaginable is the glory of God and the wealth of riches He bestows upon His Bride! Despite man's incredible faculty for fantasy, even at his loftiest and most creative, he cannot even begin to conceive the extent of pleasure and glory for which God has prepared for His people. Rejoice, you redeemed, in the promise of His kingdom eternal!
Always Waiting
Therefore turn thou to thy God: keep mercy and judgment, and wait on thy God continually. — Hosea 12:6
When we find ourselves in times of challenges and troubles, we should also find ourselves in moments of waiting.
Casting Pods
ASSANGE'S LAST STAND? - Chris Hedges, Craig Murray & Alexander Mercouris...Consortium News Podcast
Gaza airdrop. WSJ, Putin's not so punishing terms. Ukraine summer collapse. Price of victory...The Duran Podcast
Hunter Biden Transcript, Willis Drama Wrap-Up, German Missile Scandal...Political Misfits Podcast
Israel's Gaze Shifts to Southern Lebanon Amidst Growing War Concerns...The Backstory Podcast
UNBELIEVABLE Democrat LIES Uncovered!!! Dr. Steve Turley Podcast
Ukraine Losing Ground as Weapons Wear Out & Ammunition is Depleted...The New Atlas Podcast
‘Western dominance has ended’, EU foreign-policy chief admits, warning of ‘West against the Rest’...Geopolitical Economy Report Podcast
Dog Woo
Comrade Wolf knows who to eat, and he eats without listening to anyone.
Vladimir Putin
Office for Access Director Lays-Out DOJ Architecture for Cultural Marxism...When China and the Intelligence Community are done waging the warfare of cultural Marxism, US history will have been rewritten such that America was founded and brought to the present by minorities, illegal immigrants and women while white America will have taken a backseat in Rosa Park’s old spot or gotten kicked off the bus altogether.
Director Rachel Rossi Delivers Keynote Address at ABA Conference on Language, Justice and Technology
SCOTT RITTER- The Silent Eulogy...We allowed the military industrial complex that President Dwight Eisenhower warned us about to become manifest...But there is no profit in death...And may God damn us all to hell for destroying that which he had bequeathed us.
From Archons to the Matrix: Understanding American Gnosis with Arthur Versluis
Today's Wins
1 “The Great Taking” is much worse than anyone knows!
2 A thousand years of prison time over a 6-hour delay of Congress: January 6 show trials now represent the gravest injustice in U.S. history
3 How to Fight the Censorship Mindset...Beyond crying "crybaby"
4 What to Know About Super Tuesday 2024
5 Supreme Court Could Rule on Colorado Ballot Case Monday
6 Crooked Hillary Attorney Marc Elias Is Scared . . . and He Should Be...
7 Mainstream Media Warn If Trump Is Elected He Might Indict His Political Enemies, Imprison Detractors, And Rig Elections In His Favor
8 Merrick Garland Campaigns for Insecure Elections
9 Too Big to Rig: Will Trump’s Momentum Overcome Fraud in November?
10 NeoCon Nikki FINALLY Gets a Win . . . In DC Swamp Where the Vast Majority of Voters Are Democrats
11 NeoCon Nikki Haley Is About to Be Buried in a "Delegate Avalanche"
12 Playing With Fire: Zelensky Questions Trump's Patriotism in CNN Interview
13 Gen Z Loves Trump More Than Any Other Age Group
14 YOIU GOTTA LUV IT! Polish farmers shut down country’s border with Ukraine
Look What The Dog Dragged In
15 CAITLIN JOHNSTONE-On Palestine And The Worthlessness Of The Western Liberal
16 The Shoah after Gaza
17 Redemption through genocide...The ICJ ruled that Israel’s Gaza campaign poses a plausible and urgent threat of genocide. Future historians of Jewish messianism may recount how in 2024 "redemption through sin" became "redemption through genocide," with unconditional U.S. support.
18 Dropping aid from planes is expensive and inefficient. Why do it?
19 ‘Israeli violence is legitimized and Palestinian counter-violence is delegitimized’
20 California and Nevada are battered monster 'life-threatening' blizzard
21 SHOCK AND AWE! Geoengineers continue withering weather warfare against California to compel total submission to NWO agenda
22 How Serious Are Western Leaders About Full-on War With Russia?
24 NATO Troops MIGHT Deploy to Ukraine? They're Already There, And Getting Killed
25 Ukraine General Says Rift Between Civilian and Military Authorities Is Growing Amid Discontent Over Inability to Defeat Russia
26 The Biden administration is laundering billions in taxpayer funds through Non-Governmental Organizations to facilitate illegal migration into the United States.
27 How the CIA Is Influencing American Politics and Elections
28 Russian Space Nukes and Navalny’s Death… U.S. Psyops Go Ballistic
29 US poses biggest threat to security in space...Washington uses hyped-up foreign threats as a pretext for military expansion, Beijing’s defense spokesman has said
30 Britain is fast becoming a failed state. Faith in the system is beginning to collapse...From migration to crime, the authorities appear to have given up
31 Stonewall funded Church of England guidance that said primary schoolchildren can be transgender...Controversial LGBT charity gave a grant for two editions of the Valuing All God’s Children report, which remains in use nationwide
32 Sony Just Laid Off Nearly 1,000 Playstation Workers Amid Major Struggling in the Gaming Industry
33 California Transformed Prisons to the ‘Norway Model,’ Insiders Reveal the Deadly Cost
34 Aerial Green Lasers Seen In Florida Are Coming From A "Private" Company
35 Weird dent in Earth's magnetic field is messing with auroras in the Southern Hemisphere
36 Ukrainian soldier who filmed UFO 'bigger than the Empire State Building' over warzone in Donetsk...it sat deathly still against winds and was 'hotter than anything I've ever seen'
37 Canadian government's top science advisor provides update on official UFO study
38 The time traveling mistake we make when we procrastinate
Health Briefs...Unleashed
39 Chemicals in Cosmetics, Toys, and Food Containers Contribute to Rise in Preterm Births
40 RFK Jr. Urges Investigations Into SSRIs and Mass Shootings
41 House Panel Investigating White House Pressure to Rush Pfizer “Vaccine” Approval
42 Opposition to Vaccine Mandates and Passports Driven by Perceived Lack of Vaccine Safety
43 Scientist claims 'smoking gun' evidence COVID-19 intentionally created by researchers in Chinese lab
44 Covid-19 “Vaccines” Can Impact Menstrual Cycle
45 Shingles Vaccine May Increase Risk of Ocular Shingles Recurrence
46 Obesity overtakes hunger as biggest threat to world health: WHO (...so this will justify cutting back our food supply...doggy winks)
47 Insane! German healthcare system should prepare for war - minister
48 Neurons help flush waste out of brain during sleep
49 Chronic Neuropathic Pain–Researchers Uncover Potential Non-Opioid Treatment
50 The Essential Guide to Asthma: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, and Natural Approaches
The Best Of American Thinker
51 Checkmating DoJ and Jack Smith
52 Corruption and redemption? America on the precipice
53 Rural America Is a Threat to the Totalitarian Left
54 Here’s what ‘white rage’ in the heartland really looks like
55 Why do Democrats hate white rural America so much?
56 Image courtesy of Ray Zacek
The Worst Of Babylon Bee
57 Dems Begin To Panic As Biden Not Dead Yet
58 Mainstream Media Warn If Trump Is Elected He Might Indict His Political Enemies, Imprison Detractors, And Rig Elections In His Favor
59 Kid Who Got Distracted For A Few Seconds One Time Prescribed Adderall
60 Click Here For An Updated Number Of Epstein Island Pedophiles That Have Been Arrested
61Woman Awakened From 5-Year Coma Reveals 8 Things She's Most Excited To Check In On
PowderRoomPolitics...Presents...Animals Wiser Than (Some) People
1 Husky Protective Toward Pre-Born Baby, Reacts To Kicks
2 Dogs And Pre-borns
3 Zoo Animals Respect Preborn Life
4 Kitten Obsessed With Owner's Baby Bump
5 Pittie Loves Snuggling With Baby Bump (Tearjerker- failed pregnancy, then full) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oC0-O1IHTPs
6 Tiger Tries To Nuzzle Pregnant Woman Through Glass
7 Kitty Cuddles Baby Bump And Tries To Knead It
8 Can Cats Sense Pregnancy (the Science Says Yes!)?
9 Do Dogs Sense Pregnancy (^ Dittos! ^)?
10 Sweet Cat Notices Mom's Baby Bump: (take some time to read comments,too!)
Meow Mix With The Missouri Wildcat Taffy333
1 Some People Like This, and Always Will
...Goodnight Newshounds...
Head Up
Eyes Forward
Hold The Line Patriots
Keep Calm
Howl On
May God shelter you in your time of trial.
In Jesus' name we ask this for my friend.