Not really anything to report.
She did eat twice yesterday. She was being a pita for food early afternoon and again around 8pm. Ill probably stick with feeding her when shes looking for food. Shes used to eating everything and anything all day long. She was never on a i feed her at 8am and 5pm thing.usually had a full bowl of dry food 24/7.
She got mad cuz we went to do laundry and took all the blankets to wash. She was not happy when we got back.🤣
Things dont seem to be getting any worse. Visually,i dont see her fat ass losing wieght. Gonna call the vet today to see if he wants to see her and find out if anything can be done with the lump.
Hi! Oncology RN here. I am following your story intently! Praying everyday for healing. I am working with an ignorative/functional Vet on natural cancer remission therapy and wanted to just suggest a couple of additions to your protocol. I am new at posting so if I post something that's not allowed I am sorry. The two additions that I suggest are the The Budwig Protocol and Castor oil Packs. With the castor oil packs you will purchase cold pressed hexane free castor oil, put it on a cloth and put it in top of the visible tumor. Leave it there as long as you possibly can. You can put a piece of plastic wrap over it for less mess and to hold the natural bodies heat in. In a perfect world leaving it on for 5 hours is the optimal time but as long as you are able is what I shoot for. I will link info and how to below( and I don't know how to archive, so sorry, as the links will be straight to the sites). The castor oil with break the tumor down, shrink it and move it out. It also has anti inflammatory properties so it will also help with discomfort and pain. The Budwig Protocol is pretty straight forward and super easy to do. I truly hope the very best outcome for your baby. I will be following you daily so keep us updated. God Bless!
And I will let Mrs. Barbara O'Neill herself teach about the castor oil pacts. forewarning about Mrs. O'Neill she is super smart and super addictive! enjoy!