Amen, Holyweird glamourized gangs and violence and made money by doing so. The Hip Hop Culture did the same with music. Leading to where we are today. But both try to make distance from that crime scene and play the self righeous role. But this all plays into gun confiscations they are trying to push today. Has a total FARM smell to it. You will see the FARM being exposed in all of this also. They all have a legit reasonj to panic as truth exposes it all.
Amen, Holyweird glamourized gangs and violence and made money by doing so. The Hip Hop Culture did the same with music. Leading to where we are today. But both try to make distance from that crime scene and play the self righeous role. But this all plays into gun confiscations they are trying to push today. Has a total FARM smell to it. You will see the FARM being exposed in all of this also. They all have a legit reasonj to panic as truth exposes it all.