Also if there a dosing chart for kids and how often. It seems our family has caught a bug and want to squish it before it gets too crazy.
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Im a longtime lurker, i rely on this site for up to date news and really enjoy the conversations (and humor). I have an ivermectin question as well. I used the horse paste during the early stages of covid (not vaccinated) but only for a short time. I now have elevated liver enzymes which are continually getting higher. Im torn between wanting to take it again (and possibly fenbendozol) but I'm hesitant. Is there any chance i damaged my liver wth it before? My vaccinated kids tell me i have, but from what I've read liver damage only happened when people way overdosed. I was very careful to use the tube by weight. I appreciate any thoughts. Thk u
The WHO used it extensively to cure River blindness and it's been tested safe at all ages around the world. But knowing what what is going on in your diet and life, it's hard to say what is affecting your liver enzymes, but if you're not still taking it and the numbers continue to charge, it's extremely unlikely it was the cause. You should look up how liver regenerates tissue and what causes those numbers to elevate. For example, are they high during damage or after damage (like when it's rebuilding) how are they impacted by allergies, what toxins may impact them?
Always start with diet, clean food and drink, eliminate all processed food and sugars, let your system have time to cleanse, then reevaluate.
I eliminated sugar and flour 2 yes ago, didn't drink much but cut that out when this started, very rarely eat anything processed, pretty much all farm market produce and out own beef. Now I'm hoping it's some allergy response
Sounds like a reasonable conclusion, given all that. My (good) doc frens always ask about food/drink, environment (wifi/5g/radiation, air sprays, chemical exposure/city life), work environment (noise, toxins, stress), and inherited or prior/congenital problems.
You can filter out or limit external factors to narrow it down, but don't forget that some problems are also a lack of something, not only an exposure to something. So you can also try supplementals, vitamins to boost K or magnesium or boron... adding you to our prayers, hope you have that eureka moment soon.
That's an excellent thought, it could be a lack of something. I did get on the supplement bandwagon and went way overboard i think. B12 was way over the top of the daily recommended dose, for example. Hopefully our medical world will open up to offer honest evaluations and guidance for supplement use. Thk u so much for the prayers and all your help, such a blessing!