Barry was the first since JFK that really could had rallied everyone together. I did not vote for him but if he had I would had the second but he did exactly what he said he would, fundamentally transform this country, sad. If people are dumb enough to think Big Mike would be any better then put IT in and let’s run this train right over the cliff
Trump can slow the world economic collapse down but he can’t stop it. Hopefully manage it, but the system has to by scrapped and something new put in its place, what I have NO idea.
Barry was the first since JFK that really could had rallied everyone together. I did not vote for him but if he had I would had the second but he did exactly what he said he would, fundamentally transform this country, sad. If people are dumb enough to think Big Mike would be any better then put IT in and let’s run this train right over the cliff
Trump can slow the world economic collapse down but he can’t stop it. Hopefully manage it, but the system has to by scrapped and something new put in its place, what I have NO idea.