It took me a while, but I forgave myself first then it became easier to forgive the victims and perpetrators too.
Don’t get me wrong, justice is being served and continue to be served maybe not publicly NOR the way we want it to be served(public hangings, etc).
If anyone crosses the line that threatens my life, liberty and pursuit of happiness and others with the same mindset, then it becomes a duty and a moral obligation to protect the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
It took me a while, but I forgave myself first then it became easier to forgive the victims and perpetrators too.
Don’t get me wrong, justice is being served and continue to be served maybe not publicly NOR the way we want it to be served(public hangings, etc).
If anyone crosses the line that threatens my life, liberty and pursuit of happiness and others with the same mindset, then it becomes a duty and a moral obligation to protect the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.