how is printing liquid not devalueing all liquid assets and raising marketplace assets? The people who set this up and do this have 100% of their wealth in assets in marketplace. Do you have any cash? How much will never go to 30+y/y 7% assets? If real yield after inflation is -10% even a 7-10% Stock year is only holding its value and any cash is now -10% against market assets because of the additional liquidity.
Pretty funny. If it were only true
how is printing liquid not devalueing all liquid assets and raising marketplace assets? The people who set this up and do this have 100% of their wealth in assets in marketplace. Do you have any cash? How much will never go to 30+y/y 7% assets? If real yield after inflation is -10% even a 7-10% Stock year is only holding its value and any cash is now -10% against market assets because of the additional liquidity.