TYRANNY: Trudeau's Canada Will Imprison Anyone It Think 'Might' Commit a Hate Crime, Could Punish Them With Life Sentences | The...
The bill would give judges the power to place individuals under house arrest and force them to wear an electronic tag.
It is shocking how quickly and completely the marxists have captured Canada.
We saw this with Sweden already a few years back.
I suspect that there will be a great cleansing during the next national election cycle. Unfortunately the Mother WEFFERS cancer is deeply infected in Canadian Institutions and corporations.
Sadly you can apply this globally.
Justin Trudeau’s far-left Canadian government is planning on putting anyone they suspect “might” commit a hate crime.
The Daily Telegraph reports that the draconian policy will form part of the Trudeau regime’s ‘Online Harms Bill,’ designed to crack down on any opposition to the anti-progressive agenda.
One of the measures within the bill would give judges the power to place individuals under house arrest and force them to wear an electronic tag if they believe that individual could commit a hate crime in the future.
Although the bill does include a clampdown on issues such as child pornography, much of its language revolves around battling so-called hate speech.
Tyranny on the people is a hate crime. So when are they going to arrest Trudeau ?
Wasn't there a movie predicting this? Stared that short guy who stars in the mission impossible movies.
Minority Report
Hopefully someone here can answer your question. I stopped wasting my money going to movies in the early 80s.
Exactly, no crime and no proof needed.
This should more accurately be titled the Stop Jeremy MacKenzie's Podcast Bill because the anti-hate smear merchants drafted this law specifically to go after "far-right" podcasters. They couldn't stop the online streamers, who's audience dwarfs state media, any other way.
Reeee!! Stop him!!!
His desperation is obvious now. he even tried to give Fake News MSM credibility hoping they could control the narrative they have lost.
Wasn’t that a Tom Cruise movie?
No idea, I stopped wasting money on movies in the 80's and not many in the 70's as I did not find many worth going to.
My wife and I used to go nearly every weekend to the afternoon showing. We quit going when Hellywood came out against Trump in 2015. Haven't missed it at all. The movie I was speaking of was Minority Report. Never saw it but they were arresting people for crimes they were just thinking about doing or something like that. You know they always "program" us to what they plan on doing.
No apologies needed.
Glad you are still with us.
Thanks for the information, will try to remember that .I do have my senior moments.
I added in my prayer that God please remind me of the things he wishes me to do so i do not forget, my things are not important where his is a critical.
Check the health benefits on this. Acetyl L-Carnitine.
Exposing his true nature, he will take himself out for Crimes against Humanity.