Is This the Last Straw for Raffensperger? Evidence Confirms GA SOS Team Illegally Recorded Trump Call, Promoted a Fraudulent Transcript, Sent it to WaPo, Then Trashed the Audio – Now He’s Caught!
🚔 Crimes of RINOs & Democrats
I’m sure he’ll be held accountable in a couple weeks or something like that 🤷♀️
Stories like this are very discouraging. There’s been mountains of election fraud cases all across America. And not one person of any significance, been held accountable. In the last three years all I’ve seen is maybe three stories of some nobody who got caught cheating. It says if they’re trying to give the impression that they care about cheating but they really don’t. Knowing that these individuals are going to prison for harvesting a few ballots, or doing some low level cheating, is reprehensible compared to the level of cheating, going on nationally and globally. Although anybody who’s cheating should be held accountable.
Amen, I see it the same way. Bad news for the DS as God will charge them as he has no double jeopardy rule. They violated mans laws and the law of God. Justice is coming.