Is This the Last Straw for Raffensperger? Evidence Confirms GA SOS Team Illegally Recorded Trump Call, Promoted a Fraudulent Transcript, Sent it to WaPo, Then Trashed the Audio – Now He’s Caught!
🚔 Crimes of RINOs & Democrats
There's a flaw in the logic here.
If the call was illegally recorded under Florida law, that does not mean the case against Trump falls apart.
It just means the person who recorded the call can also face legal jeopardy.
I am no lawyer but I think it would only affect the case if it was law enforcement who did an illegal recording.
The WH records all calls and they even have lawyers listening in.
This person could be charged for illegally recording, but what was recorded could not be used at trial. It goes further with then promoting a false manuscript.
I don't think is true.
I don't think this bold part is true either.
Reading the article she is talking about the idea of "the fruit of the poisonous tree.". But that applies to law enforcement. Law enforcement can't illegally wiretap you or violate the 4th amendment. But law enforcement did not acquire this evidence illegally.
We are aware FISA works both ways.
This evidence can be used against the State of Ga, as it was obtained illegally by the State of Ga. in order to create a fraufulent transcript to frame their intended victim. This can not be used against the victim. As this was part of the coverup on election fraud.