OP: https://greatawakening.win/p/17si5DasgU/millennial-reign-and-the-changin/c/
I was going to make a comment but it got too long. The meat of this post is below:
There is a common theme among history-oriented anons:
Our history is unequivocally and 100% incorrect before the 1800s, and nearly entirely falsified or embellished in more recent times.
This is not the same as a nihilist view of history (the past is an illusion), nor is it a zero-point view of history (nothing happened before the present moment, but the future can be known)
Currently, there are several prevailing theories among the "history skeptics." I won't go into all of them, just the ones I find interesting.
1. Phantom Time
This might be the most popular one on GAW, as approximately 1000 years of European history was falsified and inserted into the historical record, supposedly to prove the Catholic Church was the long-standing bastion of God. Whether or not it is true, it does make sense. To modern eyes, a war lasting more than 40 years is preposterous, yet that was commonplace in the Phantom years (from the fall of Rome to the beginning of the Renaissance). Furthermore, technological innovation progressed at an unreasonably slow pace, and all of Europe was portrayed as a feudal society of church-going serfs ruled by Catholic clergy and nobility who may or may not have been supporting the reigning Pope at any given moment.
Makes sense? Sorta, at least to some anons. There is a nugget of truth in this theory, however, as the Catholic-run monasteries tend to be our only source of history from this era, and the Vatican had the same agenda they do today.
2. Antediluvian Civilizations - Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu
This is most popular among the New Age adherents, since it is a mostly ethereal and multidimensional historical narrative. Spanning at least 400,000 years back into the past, it provides a strange yet somewhat charming alternative to the history we are taught.
You see, the story begins with an advanced alien species that is orders of magnitude more technologically advanced and of a much higher vibrational energy (I don't care to explain this part...) decided to land on this barren ball of rock around this fairly stable main-sequence star and seeded a "Living Library" (their term for an enormously rich and diverse ecosystem governed by a sequential genetic system, i.e DNA). From this they created mankind, which initially lived with the aliens as a servile species in the civilization of Mu.
Eventually, a hostile alien race sent a rogue planet into the Earth and wiped out all life for about 300,000 years. Somehow, the resident aliens survived and rebuilt the Living Library like new, and then created Lemuria, which supposedly persisted in the modern-day Himalayan-Indonesian region for about 80,000 years.
Around 40,000 years ago, the humans, having become largely independent and beginning to reach the technological level of their progenitors, created a new civilization somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean on a now-lost plateau (maybe the Azores). You guessed it! They called it Atlantis!
Anyway, so then around 20,000 years ago the two civilizations decided to nuke it out and wiped out 99% of humanity and the aliens lost interest and either went home, went underground or went to the depths of the oceans to spy on us.
Yeah, definitely more schizo, but also definitely way cooler than our 6-8 thousand year history.
3. Pre-Younger Dryas Civilization
This is not Tartaria, but it apparently overlaps quite a bit. This is mostly based on the research and discoveries of Randall Carlson.
Basically, it surmises that an advanced civilization that utilized the earth's natural magnetic energy existed on a global scale (evidenced by pyramids and "ley lines" that cross the globe in strangely familiar geometric patterns). They were wiped out when a comet struck the North American ice sheet, melting about 800,000 cubic miles of water in about 6 hours, that proceeded to inundate the entirety of North America with water flows second only to the flood that filled the Mediterranean at the end of the Messinian Salinity Crisis.
This civilization is apparently responsible to giving the Inca the tech and tools needed to construct megalithic temples on the top of the Andes plateau, as well as building the Pyramids and even quarrying and moving the Sphinx as a solid 1800-ton block of granite.
This civilization was probably based in North America, given there is virtually no archaeological evidence left, and the only real evidence is the similarity of pyramids and other megaliths around the world, which could be explained in other ways too. Kinda neat imo.
4. Great Tartaria - The Mudflood
This theory poses the question, "how did we build massive stone structures without power tools or cranes?" against a backdrop of dozens of stone behemoths all over the world that seem out of place or downright impossible to build even with modern technology.
In a similar vein to the moon landing theories, its basic premise is "why could we build <insert massive stone building> in 1800 but we couldn't replicate it today if it collapsed suddenly?"
Tartaria is supposedly the advanced civilization that produced these, evidenced by old maps that show "Great Tartaria" over much of Central Eurasia. It was often posed alongside "Khazaria/Khazary", which it seemed to be in perpetual war with. However, like most hypotheses, it does nothing to explain other facets of history that would make no sense if Tartaria existed (such as the Mongols invading Romania from Ukraine, which is all but conclusively proven)
Whether or not this is a Russian propaganda stunt to make Western autists goon over "a Great Heartland Empire" remains to be seen.
5. The End of the Millennial Reign of Christ
This is a highly fascinating and complicated topic to discuss, since it is purely conjectural but it does explain the situation we are in.
Think about it. If we were already past the Millennial Reign, and Satan was given control of Earth once more, wouldn't Lucifer have falsified and scrubbed history to make us forget the 1000 years of infinite peace, joy, and prosperity?
This now perfectly explains the Q operation. If the Battle of Armageddon is already thousands+ years in the past, then WE are the Storm, not just God and His Legions.
If God already Defeated Satan, then the task is ours this time. If God can do it, He will surely guide us and teach us to do it. This is why a worldwide web of prayer is so important. Keeping the faith even when things seem desolate, that is the mark of a worshipper of Christ. There can be no Mark of the Beast since the Beast was defeated. Instead of the Beast of Revelation, we have a clowning knockoff called MrBeast! I love this narrative since it firstly ties us to God, then attempts to explain why things are the way they are. God still moves, but Satan has a strong grip on Earth. This much is understood:
It is up to us to declare independence from Satan and throw off those shackles just like we did to England.
Now, is this one right? It might be, it might not be, but I like it the most since it puts God's plan at the center of the mystery.
Hey u/StormzAComing - thanks for sharing this, in a manner more concise than I would put together using actual evidence. I'm in full agreement with you in that I believe Jesus Christ already had his reign here on earth (and it isn't the shape that NASA tells us it is, which is in-line with KJV scripture), so #5 point I can get behind entirely.
Since finding Q and seeing the work DJT has done in the entirety of his life, the work being done in my own life, I've become a Christian and follower of Jesus. The problem is that Christianity has been very severely subverted by Satan, as Pre-Milliennial, Dispensational theology (as promoted in the Scofield Bible and then swept across America in the late 19th century), as I've been shown in my journey to become a Christian. Christianity, as it's preached today in America especially, is in my mind, a pacifist "religion" and not the Christianity shown in the Bible in OT and NT. Satan doesn't want us to fight back and this is entirely contradictory with nearly all of the OT with the exception of the Torah. As such, Christianity and the American church by and large, is not in line with Christian ethos. Too many Christians believe/unhitch themselves from OT and only like to talk about OT stories when it lines up with Jesus's work. I could go on. I just watched a sermon from a pastor I've come to love about the feminization of the American church as it stands today.
I've also been shown the work the tiny hat crew has perpetrated against humanity in this same timespan and I've struggled greatly with this knowledge because it does contradict scripture to some degree - I'm not convinced that Paul/Saul is quite the guy he says he was because it's all too convenient.
Having said all of that, I've also struggled with Q operation and where humanity is today because again, the Book of Revelation tells us a very different picture. I was shown that Q operation is REAL and HAPPENING before becoming a believer in Christ, so how does this knowledge fit into the equation....? How can things "make sense" in-line with Scripture, when God is real and His-story is real....? The answer is #5 in your OP. It makes so much sense with what we see playing out in the world today.
I really could talk at length about this subject and I haven't heard anybody else talk about these ideas either. They might believe in #5, but they don't see the truth of Q. They might believe in Q, but they aren't a follower of Jesus (even though the majority of conservative America should be). All of the followers of Jesus at my church are fast asleep to what's happening in the world today and if I told them about Q, I'm certain I would be excommunicated. So the lies and deception being perpetrated by Satan could only happen if we are in "the little season" where he was unleashed on the world once again.
This YT covers some of your OP and the timeline deception and I found this at least a year ago and it makes perfect sense (to me). This is part one and part two is just as good - the only exception is that the author believes Roman Catholicism is "the way" which I don't believe in the slightest. Nothing about Catholicism is the way, as it's a man-made religion stood up to be a foil to true Christianity.
edit: added more context
The Catholic church was taken over by the jesuit/masons. The original church was Catholic and Jesus and the resurrected saints were central. They were royalty sent out across the world to rule and reign. They built the cathedrals and churches and train stations etc...... what we see today are a bunch of usurpers, but the buildings are a part of our current heritage.