Hello Frens,
Am in need of a little help if you are able. My brother-in-law yesterday was diagnosed with Stage 3.5 (going on 4) brain cancer. He has a 2cm x 2cm mass behind his eyes, which they have said is inoperable. He has been given just months to live. My sister is awaiting a double lung transplant and cannot drive, and they have three lovely, lovely children.
Red pilling the family has been a problem for me right from the start. They wouldn't listen to me at all when I asked them just to hold fire on the vax and they were at the front of the queue when it came to the injections because of the low immunity of my sister. The whole family has had everything they can throw at them. We are all in the UK.
Right now the only option in my eyes is the Parasite Protocols as suggested by the FloridaSharkman. Trouble is a) sourcing the ivermectin and oxbendrazole b) Getting my family to look into it.
Have a plan of how I want to tackle it but there is one lady that I cannot remember the name of that was very very good with all of this stuff. She is a lady doctor over there in the US and she was on a video where she was talking about parasites and how blood needs to be looked at LIVE under the microscope. Was hoping someone here might be able to remember her name and point me in the right direction, have looked but am racking my brains...
Anyways, if anyone has an advice for us here in the UK about any of this, especially the sourcing of Ivermectin and other ingredients please do let me know.
Also, if you, or anyone that you know has followed the FloridaSharkman protocols I would love to hear from you.
Thanks for your time, in advance.
Best regards,
UPDATE: Big thankQ to The_General_Patton who answered me straight away. The lady I was thinking of was Dr Lee Merritt. https://drleemerritt.com
Still need to find a supplier of Ivermectin in or to the UK. ThanQ.
Big thanks for the sticky and all the replies, advice and well wishes. Will gather all the info up and try and get him to begin with the FloridaSharkman Protocols. Will update you when I know some more. Cheers all! o7
Hello Psiobs -
You may be looking for one of these:
Here's how I've survived my Stage 3 cancer:
I'm a Stage III-A cancer survivor who is in remission from an aggressive 'incurable' cancer that took down all participants in a previous national cancer trial, (except one) who was the sole survivor at 36 months, so I feel pretty fortunate I am still here almost 6 years after my diagnosis and surgery and am still cancer-free. I did not do radiation nor chemo, nor take any trial drugs because the cancer I had removed was impervious to all treatments tried, according to the expensive genomics study I paid for. That was fine, because I didn't want to do any of those things to myself and that gave me the confirmation it would have been fruitless anyway.
In my case, I was able to have surgery and had the surgeons remove whatever they could find plus they took 17 lymph nodes. I decided I would research and find something myself to treat my situation, using my God-given brains.
However!! Do know that I've been a huge researcher of pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and medical studies for many years, and have been pulling out all the stops to make sure the cancer is truly gone and stays gone.
Specifically for cancer prevention and rebuffing I take the following:
To supplement the above, I also take the following supplements EVERY DAY:
I order my Ivermectin and Fenbendazole from Amazon or from a variety of online Pet supply houses. I use the 'horse paste' for the Ivermectin and the 'Panacur C canine' Fenbendazole powder and have suffered no ill side affects from either.
All the rest of the vitamins and supplements are ordered online from Amazon, Puritan's Pride vitamins or Swansons.
Hope this helps Psiobs, let me know if I can answer any other questions for you.
Make sure the Vit B isn't cyanocobalmin, that's a cyanide molecule attached to cobalt. I would stay away from Vit. A personally.