The mRNA vaxx delivers a 1-2 punch. How are your dopamine levels doing?
We all know of the direct deaths from cancers, myocarditis, the various neurological diseases, the "died suddenly's"... but less is known, been publicized about the spike protein's massive disruption of dopamine levels.
I have to think they know - from various studies done - some people are hit with resulting very low dopamine levels (causing brain fog, tiredness, depression, etc. ) to the other extreme - high levels of dopamine causing rageaholic type aggressive behaviors, new onset of psychoses, schizophrenia which is linked to - wait for it - GENDER DYSPHORIA.
Many have noticed a marked increase in rage and violent behavior in society in general since the plandemic.
It is also well published that we the unvaxxed are exposed to spike proteins which can and do affect many.
I suspect we'll be hearing more about this, the groups pushing transparency with the poison vaxx may also be aware of this connection, which is sort of buried in the science papers, so far.
(If not, you're the first).
Spike proteins, the poison vaxx, virus and the dopamine pathways... some papers:
The mRNA vaxx delivers a 1-2 punch. How are your dopamine levels doing?
We all know of the direct deaths from cancers, myocarditis, the various neurological diseases, the "died suddenly's"... but less is known, been publicized about the spike protein's massive disruption of dopamine levels.
I have to think they know - from various studies done - some people are hit with resulting very low dopamine levels (causing brain fog, tiredness, depression, etc. ) to the other extreme - high levels of dopamine causing rageaholic type aggressive behaviors, new onset of psychoses, schizophrenia which is linked to - wait for it - GENDER DYSPHORIA.
Many have noticed a marked increase in rage and violent behavior in society in general since the plandemic.
It is also well published that we the unvaxxed are exposed to spike proteins which can and do affect many.
I suspect we'll be hearing more about this, the groups pushing transparency with the poison vaxx may also be aware of this connection, which is sort of buried in the science papers, so far.
(If not, you're the first).
Spike proteins, the poison vaxx, virus and the dopamine pathways... some papers:
The spike hypothesis in vaccine-induced adverse effects: questions and answers
Determining the relationship between SARS-CoV-2 infection, dopamine, and COVID-19 complications
Dopamine and GID Gender Identity Disorder and Schizophrenia: Neurodevelopmental Disorders with Common Causal Mechanisms?