Casualties of this war… relationships, marriage, financial independence, home ownership, and so on Seems the faster the drips are happening, the more
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
Quickly things are falling apart personally. Been self-employed for more than 15 years, shrinking disposable incomes have left significant losses (more than $100k) in sales last year alone, forcing the sale of the family farm. Stress has now increased to a point my spouse drinks heavily everyday as an escape and I’m left being the “grown up” in our relationship. Lost more than 15 lbs since the holidays, lack of sleep, Tired of struggling with what seems no relief
Sure would appreciate prayers and any uplifting recommendations for an escape, if not just a momentarily.
I have been trying to come up with solutions, but I feel my entire life is pivoting. From where, who, what all seems to be falling away ever so slowly. My faith is strong, yet I’m getting weary. Just a little longer right… two more weeks. I actually have been living two weeks at a time.
Stay positive with all your thoughts and words. Ask Jesus to take all your bad feelings away and to bring you peace. If you’ve already done that continue and don’t give up. Also, rebuke Satan and all his works. All those bad feelings you and your husband have are from Satan not God. Don’t let Satan win. God bless you!🙏🏼
I’m praying for you. Just a little hopium here- it looks like we not have to wait two weeks! The decode I saw today gave me a serious boost. I’m having troubles, as well. Just awhile longer and we will be looking back at this while we truly are loving and living our best lives. Stay the course. We are all tired and coping the best we can.