I grew up in the sun, with no sunscreens. As a mid life adult I became concerned about preventing sunburn (not prevent sun exposure), and use only zinc based sunscreen with no additives.
Heavy chemical laden sunscreens have been linked to a higher incidence of skin cancer!
You know about that now but back then, you remember, the pharma and all the commercials said if you don't use their chemicals, you will get skin cancer, right?
I grew up in the sun, with no sunscreens. As a mid life adult I became concerned about preventing sunburn (not prevent sun exposure), and use only zinc based sunscreen with no additives. Heavy chemical laden sunscreens have been linked to a higher incidence of skin cancer!
You know about that now but back then, you remember, the pharma and all the commercials said if you don't use their chemicals, you will get skin cancer, right?