Andy McCarthy: 'This is a huge win for Trump - more than he realizes'
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She can stick a fork in that case it is that done. But I suspect we will see a appeal on the ruling. I further suspect they are looking at the evidence and fraud charges will be forthcoming .
Fraud charges will absolutely be coming for fat fani. She knows her entire case is down the shiter and would have more than likely wanted to be tossed from the case than move forward and prosicute it.
Amen, I suspect they are building a case against her and her lover.
I don't think Fani want's to be involved in this anymore. She's already been outed publicly as a corrupt DA that is on the take, lies. Purgers herself, and steals. The Trump team is going to tear her apart and put her on trial rather than the other way around.
She has another problem. Her lover was tossed under the bus while she skated. Ask how he feels about this now ? Revenge has opened many pie holes to expose the crime.