Remember how CERTAIN you were that Trump would WIN the 2020 election AND REMAIN IN THE WHITE HOUSE FOR THE NEXT FOUR YEARS?
Oops. You didn't -- well, I sure didn't -- interpret the signs (such as "You can't tell them; you must SHOW them") correctly.
FACT: The future is not set, and things don't always happen as we expect. The discomfort of acknowledging that truth brings the gift of preparedness. We buy homeowner's insurance despite not thinking our home will burn down, because the small cost could prevent a huge loss. Prepping isn't dooming, and if ever there was a time to prep, it's today.
So, yes, I want you to vote in November — and, yes, I want you to prepare for the communist takeover of America when your vote won’t matter anymore. That might seem contradictory or incoherent but it’s basic strategy: you plan to win the battle, but you also plan for an orderly retreat so that you can survive to fight another day.
No, I’m not being gloomy or hopeless. I’m not telling you to quit. I’m not encouraging you to stop voting. I’m telling you to get prepared. What does that really mean? It means you should get a satellite phone. You should buy more guns and ammo. You should stockpile medicine and water and food. Hold cash. Hold gold and silver. Have an emergency plan with your friends and family.
It’s time to get serious.
Remember: the billionaire Facebook grifter Mark Zuckerberg just built a huge underground bomb shelter in Hawaii for no apparent reason. That should tell you everything you need to know.
You do realize that you’re in the middle of a global conspiracy to end the democratic West, right? You’ve heard about The Great Reset haven’t you? You don't want to believe it's true — of course. That's why you keep ignoring the obvious signs.
That’s called: magical thinking.
A black swan event is something that happens unannounced and is world shattering, by definition it can't be prepped for.
By definition the time, specifics, and even the general nature of a Black Swan event cannot be known in advance, but prepping can be done for the likely effects of most catastrophic events.
Financial effects such as bank closures, supply chain disruptions (especially regarding food), personal and home security, and other likely issues of a major Black Swan can be prepped for, just as airbags and seatbelts are "prepping" for a car accident. No form of prepping can cover every possible TYPE of event (a miles-wide asteroid hitting near your home wouldn't be survivable no matter what you've done) but the common and most-likely events involve disruptions that prepping CAN help mitigate.