Dat's a lotta files! Good on him! A major hat tip to Robert Overheul who gave his life (unwillingly) during the c19 assault, his wife as well, for mentoring Sheriff Leaf. This was all from nationallibertyalliance.org .
I was on an online meeting with National Liberty Alliance last night for the first time. They seem to be grassroots that have their chit together with regards to how to start re-vamping our judicial system, I highly recommend going there and at least bookmarking them.
I've been a member since 2014.......good people. See also ReclaimingTheRepublic.org . Unoffial member there and editing contributions. Good, very good stuff.
Dat's a lotta files! Good on him! A major hat tip to Robert Overheul who gave his life (unwillingly) during the c19 assault, his wife as well, for mentoring Sheriff Leaf. This was all from nationallibertyalliance.org .
I was on an online meeting with National Liberty Alliance last night for the first time. They seem to be grassroots that have their chit together with regards to how to start re-vamping our judicial system, I highly recommend going there and at least bookmarking them.
I've been a member since 2014.......good people. See also ReclaimingTheRepublic.org . Unoffial member there and editing contributions. Good, very good stuff.