posted ago by aslan_is_0n_the_m0ve ago by aslan_is_0n_the_m0ve +25 / -0

QRD Lambert arrest

-lambert arrested and seized by us marshalls in DC

-criminal case against attorneys farmed out by corrupt AG dana nessel to DJ hillson out of muskegon

-indictment put out for lambert deperno and 1 other for unauthorized access to

-hillson wanted to take fingerprints of lambert possibly due to compare for access to election equipment

-equipment was owned by the townships and clerks themselves who gave access to these teams

-lambert filed interlocutory appeal to the fingerprinting asking for a stay

  • a hearing was set up compellimng lambert to come and get fingerprinting

-miscomm between her and former atty

-based on miscomm bench warrant was issued by michigan judge

-bench warrants entered into system

-causes alert

-Lambert had a different hearing in DC (Byrne dominion case) and there was a alert at closure of hearing lambert was taking into custody

-at same time Dar Leaf reports and dominion emails released.

-deperno ran against nessel for AG.

-Michigan is clearly weaponizing legal system

-issuing a bench warrant is highly unusual per clements. typically judge/staff would presume lots of other possibilities before issuing bench warrant since it was a miscommunication

-Clements suspsects Lambert's former lawyer laid a land mine for Lambert