203 Ron Paul Warns Public to Prepare for Unpredictable ‘Black Swan’ Event During Tucker Carlson Interview (VIDEO) (www.thegatewaypundit.com) posted 1 year ago by larrythepatriot 1 year ago by larrythepatriot +204 / -1 Ron Paul Warns Public to Prepare for Unpredictable 'Black Swan' Event During Tucker Carlson Interview (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pund... In a thought-provoking interview with Tucker Carlson, former Texas Representative Ron Paul advised the public to brace themselves for a potential “Black Swan” event, a rare event with severe consequences that cannot be predicted. 68 comments share 68 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Can't be called a Black Swan event when it's painfully obvious that the entire system is at the precipice of its breaking point.