I want to thank all my frens here at GAW for their prayers during my recent heart surgery. 🧘Mental/Physical Health πŸ‹πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ
posted ago by BerlinWallCrosser ago by BerlinWallCrosser +263 / -0

In days before my March 11 heart surgery, I informed the participants on this board on this event. I want to thank each of you who informed me that they were praying for me during the days of my surgery and recovery. I am home now and on the long road to recovery.

I, especially, want to thank the anon who hooked me up with Pure Blood, an organization that sets you up with blood transfusions from unvaccinated donors. Keep this group in mind if any of you ever face surgery where a blood transfusion can be needed.

Believe it or not, I actually had a conflict with my surgeon over the request of blood from unvaccinated donors. He insisted that it would be better for my health if I received a donation from vaccinated donors. He insisted on this even after I cited articles in the literature. I looked into his background and discovered that he was a Johns Hopkins graduate and I recalled reading here that Johns Hopkins is big on Rockefeller grants and Rockefeller funding of vaccine studies. Thanks to an advocate, I was able to receive only blood from unvaccinated donors who contributed to me in the days before the surgery. I want to thank this advocate and I want to thank all the donors.

Because of my unvaccinated status, I was actually labeled by the hospital while I was in ICU and other recovery. I had 4 wristbands on during these phases. One was my ID, another that alerted staff that I was allergic to most medications, one that identified me as a fall risk, which is common with the type of surgery that I had, and one that specified that I was unvaccinated. There were staff that wore masks when they entered my room but did not wear masks in other places.

I also worried about the ton of medications that I am on following the surgery. In the morning, they had me take 17 pills. Yes, I thought about that number. I also had 14 other pills that I took throughout the day until my bedtime. However, I smuggled some Ivermectin into the hospital to neutralize any of the bad side effects of these medications. They were now down to 12 pills in the morning and only 18 for the day, and I will be weened off of most of these in the next month. I have a based friend with a pharmaceutical background who researched all the drugs. Apparently, there are more side effects to these drugs that the hospital staff did not inform me of. We also researched which of these drugs is manufactured by the Big Pharma giants like Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, etc. and we found some good alternatives that do the same healing qualities, but without the side effects.

All in all, I had a much-needed procedure within the American Medical Community and survived it thanks to all the prayers from GAW, my church, my colleagues, my students, my family, and my friends. I recognize that I am only here today by the good graces of God.