The FDA Settled With Us Because They Knew They Were Going To Lose
After 4 years of catastrophic health agency tyranny, physicians finally score a legal victory. I think the FDA settled because their Pharma masters were terrified of discovery. Here is the backstory.
No words.......
I so hope that you have friends locally to lean on. That's a long list and you hold your very sorry. We live in a fallen world, so much loss. Jesus has been a comfort to me. I lost my son in 2021, not related to the scam. A dear cousin went in 2022, again not from the jab but the medical ghouls had a great deal to do with it.
Thank you. I am sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine the heartache of losing a child. (((Big Hugs))).. I do have a few true friends that I can talk to who are losing family and friends left and right. I am grateful I found this site.
Definitely glad this site is available, for sure. God bless you and keep you.