(news)🚨🚨 Over 2 dozen great links !! MASSACRE IN RUSSIA 🚨🚨 - VERY FRESH , VERY RARE, videos and photos. All real. 🚨🚨
🧐 Footage - Research Wanted 🤔
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Where did these videos come from? I appreciate catbox, but they have no metadata, subtitles, source.... just random videos out of nowhere.
You seem to enjoy what you do.
I'm not sure if you're aware, but you can use yt-dlp (or youtube-dl) to download videos from most places and it will embed video information in the metadata.
You can then use exiftool to copy the metadata from the original, or if you converted with handbrake, the metadata should be copied during conversion.
With Exiftool, or Handbrake, you can preserve the creation date, source url, original description, subtitles... all valuable information when reporting the news.
I'm glad this was helpful.
each tool has extensive documentation. You can remove all dates, or anything else, like so:
exiftool "-*date*=" file.mp4
The idea isn't to identify yourself, but to identify the video.
I use some of the following before re-encoding archival size:
yt-dlp --f bestvideo[ext=mp4][height<=1080][vcodec^=avc1]+bestaudio[ext=m4a][abr<=192] -o '/Videos/%(uploader)s/%(playlist_title)s/%(upload_date)s - %(title).190s.%(ext)s'
With this, you get the upload date, uploader name, and video title in the filename, which is helpful in identifying the incident recorded when the metadata is lost.
Similar processes are available for images as well.