posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +31 / -0

Over the last few years, they changed the definitions of many words, including


and anti-vaccine.

Today, by current definitions, if you are not 100% up to date on your vaccines, then you are anti-vaccine.

If you are not 100% up to date with your COVID boosters, then you have joined the anti-vaccine side, by default, and by definition.

So how many boosters should i have taken, if i took every shot, as soon as it was available?

Some sources claim that you should have had TEN shots by now!

so i asked Bing CoPilot, and the AI seemed to behave suspiciously,

for example , when i ask how many shots i should have by now, it says THREE,

and no matter how many times i refine my input, i still get THREE.

so either A.I. is flat-out LYING, or...

Maybe they really did only "recommend" THREE shots, and the other SEVEN were just a figment of your collective imaginations