I know many Seniors who voted whichever way seemed to be in their self-interest. That's why the Democrats ALWAYS accuse the Conservatives (Note I didn't say Republicans) of wanting to cut Social Security.
My mother's last husband once told me that he should not have a vote because of self interest once he started collecting. He was a Democrat...
I'm collecting SS, but wouldn't vote for a stinking Democrat if they were going to double my SS.
I don't know a single senior who has voted out of self interest. We are all MAGA where I live. We all support trump and MAGA candidate. In this world of politics you have leftist of all ages and MaGA. This mentality is a divide and conquer doctrine and you fell for it.
I knew A lot of Seniors in a Condo complex in Orlando, but was pre-Trump, and they weren't pro anything, but themselves. I have no Idea if any of them are MAGA, But I am. Kek