posted ago by Oh_Well_ian ago by Oh_Well_ian +197 / -1

Fridays, I play poker at the local card room. I was sitting at the same table for the entire night. Table 17. At around 12am, after a number of players left and new ones were sat, there were 7 black guys and one white guy at the table, me.

I've played with each one of them before, but this was the first time I was sitting at a table with that ratio. Interesting, I thought.

While I'm playing I frequently skim Patriots. win, especially with all the happenings recently. That's when I read that FJB had declared Easter Sunday "Tranny Recognition Day". I couldn't contain myself and told the rest of the table. At first, they thought I was joking. I showed the screen to the guys at my end of the table for proof. Everyone shook their heads in disgust.

"Why would he do that", one asked.

"He's fucking crazy, man", said another.

"We need fucking Trump back to put an end to this bullshit", the final guy says.

"We sure the hell do", I responded.

I offered no further comment and went back to the game.

I need to explain No Limit Texas Holdem >> You play 5 of 7 cards to make a hand. Each player is dealt 2 hole cards. After that, a 'flop' of 3 cards is placed on the table. Two more cards are dealt on the 'turn' and 'river'.

Anyway, the very next flop comes:


I am not making this up. When they dropped I my entire body shivered.

Here's why, in case you're not familiar:

When the number 7 is repeated 3 times as the number 777, it means the perfection of the Trinity (God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit), according to the number’s use in Hebrew tradition. The biblical meaning of 777 encompasses both the threefold expression of a perfectly holy God and the full completion symbolized by the number seven. So, 777 signifies God working to completely fulfill good purposes, and doing that work with absolute perfection.

The odds of ANY 3 card match on the flop is 425 to 1.

The odds of 7-7-7 on a given flop is 4900 to 1

I can't begin to calculate the odds of 7-7-7 dropping immediately after that conversation.

At Table 17, no less.

Edit: I forgot that I was sitting at Table 17!! Text has been edited.